期刊信息/Journal information
全球能源互联网(英文)/Journal Global Energy InterconnectionCSCDCSTPCDEI
Fuzzy multi-criteria decision-making method-based operational assessment of Chinese electricity markets
Weijie Wu;Dongwei Li;Hui Sun;Yixin Li;Yining Zhang;P.733-748
Enhancing microgrid renewable energy integration at SEKEM farm
Mohamed.M.Reda;Mohamed I.Elsayed;M.A.Moustafa Hassan;Hatem M.Seoudy;P.761-772
Model simulation of thermal environment and energy effects of rooftop distributed photovoltaics
Hai Zhou;Weidong Chen;Siyu Hu;Fan Yang;P.723-732
Analysis and construction of evaluation index system of inter-provincial electricity spot markets
Hao Yue;Yu Zhang;Jiahao Guo;Yang Hu;Chengmei Wei;Heping Jia;Dunnan Liu;Dunjian Xie;P.697-706
A Special Issue:“Electricity Market Technologies for Renewable Energy Development”for Global Energy Interconnection
Two-stage power system restoration model
Hong Yang;Zhen Tang;Wei Wang;Zhihang Xue;P.773-785
Optimal day-ahead scheduling strategy of microgrid considering regional pollution and potential load curtailment
Xinghua Xie;Hejun Yang;Bo Wang;Yinghao Ma;Dabo Zhang;Yuming Shen;P.749-760
Research on decision-making behavior of multi-agent alliance in cross-border electricity market environment: an evolutionary game
Zhao Luo;Chenming Dong;Xinrui Dai;Hua Wang;Guihong Bi;Xin Shen;P.707-722
Two-stage photovoltaic power forecasting method with an optimized transformer
Yanhong Ma;Feng Li;Hong Zhang;Guoli Fu;Min Yi;P.812-824
Short-term photovoltaic power forecasting based on a new hybrid deep learning model incorporating transfer learning strategy
Tiandong Ma;Feng Li;Renlong Gao;Siyu Hu;Wenwen Ma;P.825-835
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