期刊信息/Journal information
Tmjzxxjs@263.net abigale.fan@163.com
鸟类学研究(英文版)/Journal Avian ResearchCSCD
为加强中国与世界的鸟类学学术交流,提高中国鸟类学的学术水平和国际影响,北京林业大学申办了鸟类学学术期刊《Chinese Birds》(《中国鸟类》)。该刊将由北京林业大学和中国动物学会鸟类学分会共同主...展开全部>>
The intensity of supplementary feeding in an urban environment impacts overwintering Mallards(Anas platyrhynchos)as wintering conditions get harsher
Marta Witkowska;Wojciech Wesołowski;Martyna Markiewicz;Jonasz Pakizer;Julia Neumann;Agnieszka O˙zarowska;Włodzimierz Meissner;P.438-444
Conspecific cues and breeding territory selection in Whinchat on abandoned fields
Dmitry Shitikov;Tatiana Vaytina;Polina Lebedyanskaya;P.445-450
Mitogenomic variation in the Black-throated Tit(Aegithalos concinnus):Conserved structure,concerted evolution of duplicate control regions and multiple distinct evolutionary lineages
Chuanyin Dai;Fumin Lei;P.422-430
Effect of parasite egg size and quantity contrast of parasite-host eggs on recognition and rejection mode of Green-backed Tits
Xu Zhao;Ping Ye;Huaxiao Zhou;Canchao Yang;P.466-472
Seed dispersal by wintering ducks in a coastal wetland of eastern China
Xin Luo;Ning Li;Wei Tai;Yao Cai;Zheng Wang;P.451-457
Exploring the interplay of T cell receptor-V gene copy numbers and major histocompatibility complex selection pressure in avian species:Insights into immune system evolution and reproductive investment
Lin Sun;Chunhong Liang;Shidi Qin;Ying Zhu;Ke He;P.503-511
Anthropogenic nesting materials and reproductive performance of Chinese Bulbuls(Pycnonotus sinensis)along the urbanization gradient in Hangzhou,China
Xingmin Chen;Qin Zhang;Sisi Lan;Qin Huang;Shuihua Chen;Yanping Wang;P.431-437
Bird species(Charadriiformes)does not impact endosymbiotic bacteria(Gammaproteobacteria)of their ectoparasites(Insecta:Phthiraptera:Ischnocera)
Alexandra A.Grossi;Min Zhang;Fasheng Zou;Daniel R.Gustafsson;P.496-502
Population trend and spatio-temporal distribution of Greater White-fronted(Anser albifrons)and Bean Geese(Anser fabalis)in Korea
Eun-Jeong Kim;Wee-Heang Hur;Hwa-Jung Kim;Yu-Seong Choi;Dongwon Kim;Who-Seung Lee;Sejeong Han;Hyerin Joo;Chang-Yong Choi;P.458-465
Most bird species remain poorly studied but threated status promotes research effort
Hanchen Shuai;Juntao Hu;Shilu Zheng;Zhijun Ma;Jiajia Liu;P.413-421
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