不同疗程长脉宽 Nd∶YAG 1064 nm 激光治疗甲真菌病的疗效观察OA
Observation on the Efficacy of Different Courses of Long Pulsed Nd∶YAG 1 064 nm Laser in the Treatment of Onychomycosis
目的:比较不同疗程长脉宽Nd∶YAG 1064 nm 激光治疗甲真菌病的疗效及安全性。方法:对43例甲真菌病患者行长脉宽Nd∶YAG 1064 nm激光治疗,随机分为两组,A组为1疗程组,每周治疗1次,共4次;B组为2疗程组,共治疗8次,分别于治疗后12周、24周进行随访,采用卡方检验比较两组患者真菌学及临床疗效的差异。结果:43例患者共治疗病甲138个,其中A组患者24例,病甲70个;B组患者19例,病甲68个。在12周及24周,两组患者的真菌学疗效均无统计学差异(χ²值分别为0.16、0.46,P值均>0.05);12周,A、B两组的临床有效率分别为58.6%、75.0%,差异有统计学意义(χ²=4.19,P<0.05);24周,A、B两组的临床有效率分别为42.9%、58.8%,差异无统计学意义(χ²=3.52,P>0.05)。治疗过程中除疼痛外未发生其他不良反应。结论:长脉宽Nd∶YAG激光是治疗轻中度甲真菌病的一种安全有效的方法,适当延长疗程可提高近期(12周)临床疗效。
Objective:To evaluate the efficacy and safety of different courses of long pulsed Nd∶YAG 1 064 nm laser in the treatment of onychomycosis.Methods:Forty-Three patients with onychomycosis randomly divided into 2 groups were treated by long pulsed Nd∶YAG laser.Pa-tients of group A received treatment once a week for 4 weeks, and patients of group B received treatment for up to 8 weeks.Clinical and mycological efficacy were evaluated 16 weeks and 24 weeks after the beginning of treatment.Side effects were recorded and analyzed.Data were pro-cessed using SPSS 17.0 software.Chi-square test was performed to compare the clinical and myco-logical efficacy between two groups.Results:A total of 138 nails of 43 patients were treated in this study.There were 70 nails of 24 cases in group A and 68 nails of 19 cases in group B.At 16 weeks and 24 weeks, no statistical difference was observed in the mycological efficacy between two groups (P>0.05).At 12 weeks, clinical response rates in group A, B were 58.6%, 75.0%, respectively.There was significant difference in the clinical efficacy between the two groups (χ²=4.19,P<0.05).At 24 weeks, clinical response rates in group A, B were 42.9%,58.8%,re-spectively.There was no significant difference between the two groups (χ²=3.52,P>0.05). There was no obvious adverse reaction but pain during the treatment.Conclusion:Long pulsed Nd∶YAG 1 064 nm laser appears for be an effective and safe approach for the treatment of mild on-ychomycosis, and prolonging the course of therapy can increase the short-term (12 weeks) treat-ment outcomes.
广东省皮肤病医院,广东广州 510091广东省皮肤病医院,广东广州 510091广东省皮肤病医院,广东广州 510091广东省皮肤病医院,广东广州 510091广东省皮肤病医院,广东广州 510091广东省皮肤病医院,广东广州 510091广东省皮肤病医院,广东广州 510091广东省皮肤病医院,广东广州 510091
PhototherapyOnychomycosisTreatment outcomes
《皮肤性病诊疗学杂志》 2015 (3)