

Clinical significance of CD64 in the diagnosis of pulmonary infection in children


目的:探讨外周血中性粒细胞细胞表面CD64分子表达水平变化在儿童肺部感染诊断及疗效评价的临床价值 方法:应用流式细胞仪定量检测中性粒细胞细胞表面CD64分子表达水平,并与C反应蛋白(CRP)、WBC计数及细菌培养结果进行比较.其中病例组细菌性肺炎儿童20例(经细菌培养阳性)、支原体肺炎儿童20例(支原体IgM抗体阳性),对照组为儿保院健康体检儿童20例.结果:CD64: 检验两两比较发现各组之间均有统计学意义;CRP:检验两两比较发现细菌性肺炎与对照组、支原体肺炎与细菌性肺炎组比较有统计学意义;WBC计数:检验两两比较发现细菌性肺炎与对照组、支原体肺炎与对照组比较有统计学意义.与对照组、支原体肺炎与对照组比较有统计学意义.结论:CD64指数测定细菌性感染的敏感性和特异性均高,有助于肺部细菌感染早期诊断,鉴别诊断以及对抗感染疗效的临床应用.

Objective To evaluate the diagnosis and treatment value of changes in the level of peripheral blood neutrophil CD64 in pulmonary infection children.Methods The levels of peripheral blood neutrophil CD64 were measured by using flow cytometry and C reactive protein (CRP), WBC count and bacterial culture results were carried out comparing.According to the clinical manifestationsand laboratory test results the patients were divided into bacterial pneumonia (n=20, the bacterial culture positive)and Mycoplasma pneumonia infection group(n=20, Mycoplasma IgM antibody positive).Twenty healthy children with non-infection disease were enrolled as controls.Results The expression level of neutrophil CD64 was found in each group had statistical significance by using pairwise comparison.The expression level of CRP in the bacterial pneumonia group were significantly higher than those in The expression level of the control group and CRP in Mycoplasma pneumonia infection group were significantly higher than those in the bacterial pneumonia group.WBC count in the bacterial pneumonia group were significantly higher than those in The expression level of the control group and WBC count in Mycoplasma pneumonia infection group were significantly higher than those in control group.Conclusions The elevated level of CD64 is a sensitive and specific indicator for diagnosing bacterial pneumonia and helpful in the early diagnosis of pulmonary bacterial infection.


兰州大学第一医院中心实验室 730000兰州大学第一医院中心实验室 730000兰州大学第一医院中心实验室 730000兰州大学第一医院中心实验室 730000兰州大学第一医院中心实验室 730000兰州大学第一医院中心实验室 730000



《中国保健营养》 2017 (10)

