

Labor analgesia situation and development strategy analysis in Guangdong province


目的 通过调查广东省各级医疗机构分娩镇痛的开展现状,为分娩镇痛的工作现状提供客观数据,并制定可行的发展策略.方法 采用定量和定性调查相结合的方法,对广东省66家二甲以上医疗机构麻醉科的分娩镇痛开展现状、医教研情况及医师个人情况进行全面调查,对所得数据采用Excel进行分析比较,找出我省医疗机构在分娩镇痛中面临的困难和存在的问题,制定发展策略.结果 所有被调查医疗机构(100.0%)均存在麻醉医生人力缺乏问题.大部分医院(91.4%)有镇痛分娩工作的开展,但没有相关课题研究,科室具有工作开展所需的条件,有统一的分娩镇痛流程(85.1%),但将分娩镇痛作为常规手段的单位仅过半数(61.3%).产妇对分娩镇痛的接受程度高(97.5%),但麻醉医生对分娩镇痛工作的积极性一般(27.2%),大部分医院(68.0%)没有专人入驻产房负责分娩镇痛,对于入驻产房负责分娩镇痛的专人,大部分(65.4%)无任何补助,少数(34.5%)有经济补助,但均无假期补助.大多数麻醉医师(92.6%)熟悉我国分娩镇痛操作流程及并发症处理流程,具有独立沟通处理能力,技术可靠.大部分医院(84.3%)未发生过分娩镇痛并发症导致的医疗纠纷,严重并发症发生率较低(0.0%~20.0%).结论 分娩镇痛开展率不高,除了极少数医务人员对分娩镇痛技术掌握不足,现有医疗体制的限制及人力不足等是最重要的因素.只有改变医疗体制,发展医疗人才,调动医疗积极性,才能最大限度地开展分娩镇痛工作,发展该医疗技术.

Objective To provide objective data for the current work of the labor analgesia and formulate feasible development strategy by investigating the development of labor analgesia in different medical institutions in Guangdong province.Methods The present situation of labor analgesia and medical-teaching-research as well as the personal situation of physicians in department of anesthesiology in sixty-six medical institutions in Guangdong province were investigated by the method of quantitative and qualitative investigation.The data were analyzed and compared by Excel,so as to find out the difficulties and problems for labor analgesia which faced by medical institutions in our province,and to formulate a development strategies Results There was a lack of manpower in anesthesiologists in all the surveyed medical institutions (100.0%).Most hospitals (91.4%) had carried out the work of labor analgesia,but done no relevant subject research.The department (85.1%) had the conditions needed for the work and a unified labor analgesia process,but the proportion of the unit which take labor analgesia as a routine means was low (61.3%).The maternal acceptance of childbirth analgesia was high (97.5%),but the enthusiasm of anesthesiologists working for labor analgesia was not high (27.2%).Most hospitals (68.0%) had no specific staff in delivery room responsible for labor analgesia;and most of the specific staff (65.4%) had no subsidy,and only 34.5% of them had financial assistance,but all had no holiday benefits.Most anesthesiologists (92.6%) were familiar with the process of labor analgesia and treatment of complications,with independent communication and processing ability as well as reliable technology.Most hospitals (84.3%) had no medical disputes caused by complications of labor analgesia,and the incidence of related complications was relatively low (0.0%-20.0%).Conclusions The rate of labor analgesia is low;except for a small number of medical staff without enough labor analgesia technology,the existing medical system restriction and lack of manpower are the most important factors.Only changing the medical system,developing medical talents,and irnrpoving medical enthusiasm can carry out the work of labor analgesia to the maximum extent and develop the medical technology.


广东省妇幼保健院麻醉科,广州 510010广东省妇幼保健院麻醉科,广州 510010广东省妇幼保健院麻醉科,广州 510010广东省妇幼保健院麻醉科,广州 510010广东省妇幼保健院麻醉科,广州 510010


Labor analgesiaSurveyStrategy analysis

《国际医药卫生导报》 2019 (13)


Project Supported by Research Fund of Medical Science in Guangdong (A2017478)广东省医学科研基金项目(A2017478)

