首页|期刊导航|学术界|Legal Research on Rural Land Management Right Financing under the Background of Rural Revitalization Strategy

Legal Research on Rural Land Management Right Financing under the Background of Rural Revitalization StrategyOA北大核心CHSSCDCSSCI

Legal Research on Rural Land Management Right Financing under the Background of Rural Revitalization Strategy

Bai Changqian

rural revitalization strategyrural land managementmortgage financinglegal research

rural revitalization strategyrural land managementmortgage financinglegal research

《学术界》 2019 (8)


A phasic achievement of the Ministry of Education Youth Fund Project named "Law Research on Online Transaction of Rural Land Management Right under the Background of Rural Revitalization Strategy" (Project No.18yjc820001).This paper was funded by the China Scholarship Council (Project No.201907845009).


