Effect of Different Growth-Promoting Bacteria Combined with Growth Regulators on Salinity Changes,Rice(Oryza sativa L.)Yield and Quality in Tidal Flat Paddy Field
为了探明促生菌和生长调节剂对滩涂稻田盐分变化、水稻产量及稻米品质的影响,于2020年6-11月,在江苏南通沿海滩涂地区布置水稻种植试验,采用双因素裂区设计,主区为促生菌浸种处理,包括清水(CK)、如东促生菌(RD)和宁波促生菌(NB)浸种,副区为生长调节剂喷施处理,包括喷施清水(W)、碧护(0.136%赤·吲乙·芸苔)(T1)和复硝酚钠(T2).结果表明,种稻过程中灌溉水盐度变化幅度为0.78~1.12 g·kg-1,CK、RD和NB处理水稻生长期间土壤盐分变化幅度为1.11~1.87 g·kg-1.水稻产量在RD和NB下较CK分别增加了4.65%和1.83%;在T1和T2下较W分别增加了5.50%和1.05%;RD-T1下水稻产量较CK-W增加效果最好,达到11.66%(P<0.05),且每穗粒数和实粒数分别增加了13.45%和13.85%(P<0.05).与CK相比,RD稻米糙米率、直链淀粉和蛋白质含量均显著降低,其他品质指标无显著差异.双因素分析结果表明,生长调节剂对穗长、每穗粒数、实粒数和产量均具有显著影响,促生菌对水稻千粒重具有显著影响,生长调节剂和促生菌仅对水稻千粒重具有显著互作效应.可见,促生菌结合生长调节剂处理对滩涂水稻增产具有明显效果,且生长调节剂主要提高了每穗粒数和实粒数,促生菌主要改善了滩涂水稻千粒重.本研究结果为探索适宜的农艺管理措施以达到滩涂水稻增产目的提供了技术参考.
To investigate the effects of growth-promoting bacteria and growth regulators on the salinity variations,rice yield and rice quality of the beach paddy,a rice planting experiment was conducted from June to November of 2020 in the coastal beach area of Nantong,Jiangsu Province.A two-factor split zone design was adopted,and the main zone was treated with seed immersion by growth-promoting bacteria,including clean water(CK),and growth-promoting bacteria of Rudong(RD)and Ningbo(NB).The second zone was treated by growth regulator spray,including clean water(W),"BiHu(0.136%Gibberellic Acid·indol-3-ylacetic Acid·brassinolide)"(T1)and"sodium nitrophenate"(T2).As the results,the salinity of irrigation water during rice cultivation ranged from 0.78 to 1.12 g·kg-1,and the soil salinity variations ranged from 1.11 to 1.87 g·kg-1 during the rice growth season in the CK,RD,and NB plots.Compared with CK,the rice yield increased by 4.65%and 1.83%in the RD and NB plots,respectively;and compared with W,the rice yield increased by 5.50%and 1.05%in the T1 and T2 plots,respectively.Compared with CK-W,the rice yield in RD-T1 increased the most by by 11.66%(P<0.05),and the values of grain number per panicle and solid grain number were increased by 13.45%and 13.85%,respectively(P<0.05).Compared with CK,the brown rice rate,amylose,and protein contents of rice in the RD plots were significantly reduced,but no significant effect was found on other quality indexes.According to the results of two-factor analysis,the growth regulator factor had a significant influence on panicle length,grains per panicle,filled grains per panicle and yield,while the growth-promoting bacteria factor had a significant influence on 1 000-grain weight.Moreover,a significant interaction was found between the growth regulators and growth-promoting bacteria specifically on 1 000-grain weight.In conclusion,growth-promoting bacteria combined with growth regulators had significant effect on the yield increase.Growth regulators mainly increased the number of grains per panicle and the number of solid grains,and growth-promoting bacteria mainly improved the 1 000-grain weight.This study provides a technical reference for exploring appropriate agronomic management measures to achieve the purpose of increasing rice yield in tidal flats areas.
江苏沿江地区农业科学研究所,江苏 南通 226012江苏省地质局/自然资源部滨海盐碱地生态改良与可持续利用工程技术创新中心,江苏 南京 210007江苏沿江地区农业科学研究所,江苏 南通 226012江苏省地质局/自然资源部滨海盐碱地生态改良与可持续利用工程技术创新中心,江苏 南京 210007南通大学地理科学学院,江苏 南通 226007
salinity dynamicsrice in tidal flatgrowth-promoting bacteriagrowth regulators
《核农学报》 2024 (1)