

Effects of Carbon and Nitrogen Addition on Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Farmland Black Soil under Flooding Condition


为探究外源碳氮添加对农田土壤温室气体排放的影响,以农田黑土为对象,在25℃和淹水条件下开展室内培养试验,研究外源碳(葡萄糖和乙酸)和氮(硫酸铵)添加对温室气体排放的影响.结果表明,淹水条件碳氮配施显著降低了土壤硝态氮含量,以氮肥配施葡萄糖处理效果更明显.与不施肥的对照处理相比,单施氮肥处理对CO2排放速率无显著影响;与单施氮肥处理相比,碳氮配施显著提高了CO2的排放速率,氮肥配施葡萄糖处理和氮肥配施乙酸处理的CO2累积排放量分别为单施氮肥处理的3.93和2.44倍.与不施肥的对照处理相比,单施氮肥显著增加了N2O排放速率,其累积排放量是对照处理的3.60倍;与单施氮肥处理相比,氮肥配施葡萄糖处理仅在第1天对N2O排放速率有显著促进效果,培养期间N2O累积排放量与单施氮肥处理无显著差异;氮肥配施乙酸处理对N2O排放速率的促进效果持续了5 d,其N2O累积排放量是单施氮肥处理的3.58倍.与不施肥的对照处理相比,单施氮肥处理对CH4排放速率无显著影响;与单施氮肥处理相比,碳氮配施显著促进了培养后期CH4的排放速率和累积排放量,但氮肥配施葡萄糖和氮肥配施乙酸处理之间无显著差异.上述结果表明,在短期淹水条件下,葡萄糖和乙酸的存在可能会促进农田黑土温室气体排放.本研究结果可为黑土温室气体排放评估提供理论依据.

To investigate the effects of external addition of carbon(C)and nitrogen(N)on greenhouse gas emission in farmland soil,an indoor incubation experiment was conducted using C(glucose and acetic acid)and N(sulfate ammonium)in farmland black soil at 25℃and flooding condition.Results showed that the combined addition of C and N significantly decreased NO3-content in soil,especially for the combined addition of N and glucose.Compared with the control group without N fertilizer,addition of N had no significant effect on CO2 emission rate.When compared with the group of N fertilizer alone,the combined addition of C and N could stimulate the emission rate of CO2 from soil,with the cumulative emissions of the treatment of N added with glucose and acetic acid were 3.93 and 2.44 times higher than that of the solely N fertilizer group,respectively.Addition of N fertilizer stimulated N2O emission rate,with a value of 3.60 times higher than that of the control group.Furthermore,compared with the control group,the N2O emission rate increased significantly by single application of N fertilizer,and the cumulative emission was 3.60 times higher than that of the control treatment.Compared with N fertilizer alone,nitrogen fertilizer combined with glucose treatment significantly promoted the N2O emission rate only on day 1,and there was no significant difference in the cumulative N2O emission during culture.The effect of nitrogenous fertilizer combined with acetic acid treatment on N2O emission rate lasted for 5 days,and the cumulative N2O emission was 3.58 times higher than that of nitrogenous fertilizer alone.Furthermore,addition of N fertilizer had no significant effect on CH4 emission rate compared with the control group.Compared with the treatment of N fertilizer added alone,combined addition of C and N significantly increased CH4 emission rate and cumulative emissions from soil,but no significant difference was observed for the emissions of CH4 between the treatments of combined addition of N with glucose nor acetic acid.The results indicate that the presence of glucose and acetic may promote greenhouse gas emissions from farmland black soil under short-term flooding condition,and also provide theoretical support for the assessment of greenhouse gas emissions from black soil.


南京信息工程大学,江苏省农业气象重点实验室,江苏 南京 210044||南京信息工程大学应用气象学院,江苏 南京 210044南京信息工程大学应用气象学院,江苏 南京 210044南京信息工程大学长望学院,江苏 南京 210044南京信息工程大学应用气象学院,江苏 南京 210044南京信息工程大学应用气象学院,江苏 南京 210044南京信息工程大学,江苏省农业气象重点实验室,江苏 南京 210044||南京信息工程大学应用气象学院,江苏 南京 210044


glucoseacetic acidfloodinggreenhouse gas

《核农学报》 2024 (1)




