

Research on Aging Adaptability of Community Parks Based on Behavioral Simulation from the Perspective of Park City


我国已步入深度老龄化社会,老年群体由于生理衰老与机体疾病等因素导致对城市公共空间使用困难.城市社区公园作为老年群体日常行为活动的高频发生地,其适老化发展是顺应积极老龄化国家战略的必然趋势.选取成都市公园社区示范地——和美社区公园为案例地,利用行为注记法与PS-PL调研法进行观察调研,共获取老年群体活动数据男性2 231人次、女性3 203人次;基于ArcGIS、AutoCAD和Depth-map软件的数据分析,将老年群体时空行为特征结合空间句法对老年群体进行行为仿真,结果表明:在性别、时间粒度、活动类型差异下,老年群体有不同的时间行为特征,不同健康程度的老年群体对社区公园的体验程度与使用难度差异较大.对此,提出社区公园适老化策略:1)以老年群体行为总体模式为导向,考虑不同的活动模式需求;2)以老年群体时间行为特征为导向,进行高峰冲突疏解,实现时空资源共享;3)以老年群体空间行为特征为导向,使空间布局合理化、功能多元化和设施智能化.

China has entered a deeply ageing society,and the elderly have difficulties in using urban public space due to factors such as physical ageing and organic diseases.As a high-frequency place for the daily behavioural activities of the elderly,the active ageing development of urban community parks is an inevitable trend in line with the national strategy of promoting active ageing.The case study of Hemi Community Park,a model park community in Chengdu,was selected to conduct observation and research using the behavioural notation method and the PS-PL research method,where a total of 2 231 male and 3 203 female elderly group activities were obtained.The results of the simulation show that there are different temporal behavioural characteristics of the elderly groups under the differences of gender,time granularity and activity type,where the degree of experience and difficulty of using the park differs greatly among the elderly groups with different levels of health.Based on this,the ageing strategy of the community park is proposed:1)To consider the needs of different activity patterns based on the overall behavioural pattern of the elderly group;2)To resolve peak con-flicts and share spatial and temporal resources based on the temporal behavioural characteristics of the elderly group;3)To rationalize the spatial layout,diversify functions and make facilities intelligent based on the spatial behavioural characteristics of the elderly group.


四川师范大学地理与资源科学学院,四川成都 610101四川师范大学地理与资源科学学院,四川成都 610101



aging adaptabilitybehavioural simulationcommunity parkspatial syntax

《四川师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024 (2)


国家社会科学基金(18BMZ073) 四川师范大学"大学生创新创业训练计划"国家级一般项目(202210636030)对本文给予了资助,谨致谢意.

