Molecular Mechanisms of Cell Wall Integrity in Plants Under Salt Stress
Cell wall not only supports and protects plant cells,but also serves as the first barrier for plants to resist environmental stresses.As one of the major abiotic stresses that restrict agricultural production,salt stress can cause the alteration of cell wall composition and structure,and these changes can be perceived by cell wall integrity sensors,such as CrRLK1Ls,LRXs,and WAKs,to activate intracellular salt stress responses.In the cell interior,salt stress-induced influx of Ca2+ and activation of phytohormone signaling promote the expressions of genes that are associated with cell wall biosynthesis and modification,which in turn facilitate the maintenance of cell wall integrity and improve the adaptation of plants to high salinity.In this review,the main components of primary cell wall polysaccharides and their cross-linking with each other are summarized.The impact of salt stress on cell wall polysaccharides,and the molecular mechanisms by which plants perceive and maintain cell wall integrity under salt stress,are also elucidated.Finally,the scientific questions that need to be further addressed in the research field of cell wall integrity under salt stress are discussed.
中国科学院分子植物科学卓越创新中心,上海 201602||中国科学院大学,北京 100049中国科学院分子植物科学卓越创新中心,上海 201602中国科学院分子植物科学卓越创新中心,上海 201602
cell wall integritysalt stresscell wall sensorCrRLK1LsLRXs
《生物技术通报》 2023 (11)