Advances in the Regulation of Stress Sensing and Responses by Phase Separation in Plants
生物大分子凝聚体(biomolecular condensates)是由相分离(phase separation)驱动形成的具有特定功能的无膜细胞器(MLOs),为特定的生化反应提供微环境,对细胞生命活动进行精细的时空调控.相分离是一种高度动态的过程,对温度、pH、盐浓度等理化因素的变化非常敏感.因此,相分离可以快速响应外界刺激,作为生物感受器感知压力信号,参与胁迫应答.近年来,相分离在植物中的应用受到越来越多的关注,特别是在胁迫感知和逆境响应方面.本文基于近期关于相分离响应胁迫的研究,探讨了相分离在胁迫信号感知和应答中的机制,综述了相分离在植物响应胁迫的研究成果,旨在为进一步研究植物胁迫感知和逆境响应中相分离的作用提供参考依据.
The formation of biomolecular condensates via phase separation has emerged as the key way of organization inside cells.Biomolecular condensates possess specific functions and provide a microenvironment for specific biochemical reactions,and finely regulates cellular activities in space and time.Phase separation is a highly dynamic process that is extremely sensitive to changes in temperature,pH,salt concentration,and other physicochemical factors.Consequently,phase separation can rapidly respond to external stimuli,serving as a stress sensor to perceive and transduce stress signals.In recent years,the involvement of phase separation in plants has gained increasing attention,particularly in the context of stress sensing and response.This article summarizes recent research on the roles of phase separation in stress signal perception and response,and provides an overview of the research progress regarding the role of phase separation in plant stress responses.The aim is to provide insights for further studies on the roles of phase separation in stress perception and adaptation in plants.
清华大学生命科学学院,北京 100084清华大学生命科学学院,北京 100084
biomolecular condensatephase separationstress sensorplantstress response
《生物技术通报》 2023 (11)