

Economic and Ecological Benefits of Planting Linum usitatissimum L.in Cadmium Polluted Soil


为探讨镉污染土壤亚麻种植的经济与生态效益,以亚麻品种内亚 9 号为对象,对浏阳市永和镇佳成村下大屋组和新建组 2 个试验点亚麻的农艺性状和土壤、植株中的重金属镉含量进行了研究.结果表明:内亚9 号株高 79.20 cm以上,最高可达 108.94 cm,工艺长度 62.52 cm以上,茎粗最高达 3.50 mm;平均产量原茎可达4 337.81 kg/hm2,种子可达 468.07 kg/hm2,平均纯收益可达 15 382.02 元/hm2;镉富集系数在 3.310~6.752 之间,说明内亚 9 号吸收土壤中重金属镉的能力较强.综上,亚麻在镉污染土壤中种植,经济效益和生态效益均较好.

In order to explore the economic and ecological benefits of planting Linum usitatissimum L.in cadmium polluted soil,the agronomic traits and heavy metal cadmium content in soil and plants of Linum usitatissimum L.variety Neiya 9 were studied at two experimental sites(Xiadawu Group and Xinjian Group,Jiacheng Village,Yonghe Town,Liuyang City).The results showed that the plant height of Neiya 9 was over 79.20 cm,the highest plant height was 108.94 cm,the stem length was over 62.52 cm,the highest stem diameter was 108.94 cm.The average yield of the original stem could reach 4 337.81 kg/hm2,the seed could reach 468.07 kg/hm2,and the average net income could reach 15 382.02 yuan/hm2.The cadmium enrichment coefficient ranged from 3.310 to 6.752,indicating that Neiya 9 has a strong ability to absorb heavy metal cadmium in the soil.In summary,planting Linum usitatissimum L.in cadmium polluted soil had good economic and ecological benefits.


湖南农业大学苎麻研究所,湖南长沙 410128||湖南省草类作物种质创新与利用工程技术研究中心,湖南长沙 410128湖南农业大学苎麻研究所,湖南长沙 410128||湖南省草类作物种质创新与利用工程技术研究中心,湖南长沙 410128||桃源县第二中学,湖南桃源 415700湖南农业大学苎麻研究所,湖南长沙 410128||湖南省草类作物种质创新与利用工程技术研究中心,湖南长沙 410128湖南农业大学苎麻研究所,湖南长沙 410128||湖南省草类作物种质创新与利用工程技术研究中心,湖南长沙 410128湖南农业大学苎麻研究所,湖南长沙 410128||湖南省草类作物种质创新与利用工程技术研究中心,湖南长沙 410128



Linum usitatissimum L.cadmium polluted soilagronomic traitenrichment coefficienteconomic benefitecological benefit

《现代农业科技》 2023 (24)



