

Analysis of the Trend Turning and Possible Causes of Extreme Precipitation Frequency in July—August in North China from 1961 to 2020


区域性极端降水(Regional extreme precipitation,REP)破坏性强,会造成地质灾害和经济损失.本文利用逐日降水资料,研究了 1961-2020年华北地区7-8月份REP频次趋势转折,并探讨其变化的可能原因.结果表明,华北地区7-8月REP天数存在1986、1995和2003年三个趋势突变点,在1961-1985年(P1)和1995-2002年(P3)时段有减少趋势,1986-1994年(P2)和2003-2020年(P4)时段呈现增多趋势.华北地区REP事件发生时有水汽通量辐合,并且中国东北部至朝鲜半岛对流层高层有异常高压(东北高压)存在.P2、P4时期较P1、P3时期东北高压位置偏南,38°N以南的华北地区水汽通量辐合增强,REP天数增多.P1、P2时期异常水汽通量来自印度洋和西北太平洋,而后两个时期只来自西北太平洋,这是东亚夏季风减弱、西太平洋副热带高压(西太副高)增强的结果.东北高压的发展在P1、P3时期与沿中纬度西风急流(急流)传输的波活动通量有关,在P2、P4时期高纬度活动中心发挥作用并且在季节背景上该高压较强,P2时期促使东北高压发展的波活动通量来自急流和高纬度活动中心两支路径,而P4时期波活动通量主要沿高纬度传播.REP天数减少在P1时期主要是东亚夏季风显著减弱不利于水汽向华北地区输送的结果,而P3时期是东亚夏季风减小和急流减弱共同作用所导致的;REP天数增多在P2时期是因为急流的显著增强,有利于东北高压的发展,而在P4时期西太副高的增强保证了东亚夏季风减弱之后向华北地区的水汽输送,并且北极海冰范围减少可能通过影响高纬度活动中心,在急流减弱之后建立了由高纬度向华北地区传输的波活动通量新路径,两者共同作用使得REP天数增多.

Regional extreme precipitation(REP)is highly destructive and can cause geological disasters and economic losses.Using daily precipitation data,this paper investigates the REP frequency trend turning in July-August in North China from 1961 to 2020,and explores the possible causes of the varia-tion.The results show that there are three trend abrupt points in July-August REP days in North Chi-na,1986,1995 and 2003,with decreasing trends in the 1961-1985(P1)and 1995-2002(P3)periods,and increasing trends in the 1986-1994(P2)and 2003-2020(P4)periods.The anomalous divergence of moisture flux is present in North China,and anomalous high(Northeast high)is present in the upper troposphere from northeastern China to the Korean Peninsula at the REP event.The enhanced anoma-lous divergence of moisture flux in north China south of 38°N during the P2 and P4 periods compared with the P1 and P3 periods corresponds to the southward position of Northeast high,resulting in more REP days at the region.The anomalous moisture flux comes from the Indian Ocean and the northwest Pacific Ocean during P1 and P2,but only from the northwest Pacific Ocean in the latter two periods,which is the result of the weakening of the East Asian summer monsoon(EASM)and the strengthening of the western Pacific subtropical high(WPSH).The development of Northeast high during P1 and P3 is associated with the wave activity flux transmitted along the mid-latitude westerly jet stream(WJS).While the high-latitude activity center plays a role during P2 and P4 and the Northeast high is stronger in the seasonal background.The wave activity flux contributing to the development of Northeast high during P2 comes from both the WJS and the high-latitude activity center paths,while the wave activity flux during P4 propagates mainly along the high-latitude.The decrease of REP days in the P1 period is mainly the result of the significant weakening of the EASM,which is not conducive to water vapor transport to North China,while the P3 period is the result of the combined effect of the reduced EASM and the weakening of the WJS.The increase of REP days in the P2 period is due to the significant strengthening of the WJS,which is favorable to the development of Northeast high,while the P4 period,the strengthening of the WPSH ensures the water vapor transport to North China after the weakening of the EASM,and the reduction in the Arctic sea ice extent may establish a new path for wave activity flu-xes transmitted from high latitudes to northern China after the weakening of the WJS by influencing the high-latitude activity centers,both of which combine to increase the REP days.


中国海洋大学海洋与大气学院海洋气象学系,山东青岛 266100



North Chinaregional extreme precipitationtrend turningwave activity flux

《中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024 (001)


12-25 / 14

山东省自然科学基金重大基础研究项目(ZR2019ZD12);国家重点研究发展计划项目(2019YFA0607002);国家自然科学基金项目(42075025)资助 Supported by the National Science Founding of Shandong Province Major Basic Research Program(ZR2019ZD12);the National Key Research and Development Program of China(2019YFA0607002);the National Natural Science Foundation of China(42075025)

