

Behavioral Responses of Juvenile Sebastes schlegelii to Artificial Reef Models with Different Shadow Situations


阴影效应是影响人工鱼礁诱集效果的主要因素之一,为研究许氏平鲉(Sebastes schlegelii)对人工鱼礁不同阴影情况的行为响应,采用室内模拟实验方法,在实验水槽顶部固定光源,共设计3组实验:A组实验探究不同阴影面积的鱼礁模型对实验鱼的诱集效果;B组实验探究不放置鱼礁模型、悬挂不同开孔率顶板对实验鱼的诱集效果;C组实验探究阴影面积相同但开孔数量不同的鱼礁模型对实验鱼的诱集效果;对照组实验水槽中不放置鱼礁模型、不悬挂顶板.观察并记录许氏平鲉幼鱼(体长(5.06±0.09)cm,体质量(3.22±0.16)g)在水槽中的行为与分布特征.研究表明:3个实验组中许氏平鲉在鱼礁放置区域的出现率均显著高于对照组和其他区域;A组实验中,许氏平鲉在鱼礁放置区的平均出现率随着鱼礁阴影面积的增大而上升;B组实验中,许氏平鲉在顶板放置区的平均出现率显著高于对照组,但不同水平组之间差异不显著;C组实验中,开孔数为1时许氏平鲉在鱼礁放置区的平均出现率与开孔数为9时相近且高于开孔数为4和6时.研究结果表明,阴影面积越大的人工鱼礁对许氏平鲉的诱集效果越好,阴影面积相同时开孔数较多的人工鱼礁能够在提供良好庇护所的同时保证诱集效果.

The shadow effect is one of the main factors influencing the organism assemblage of artificial reefs.In order to explore the behavioral response of Sebastes schlegelii for reefs under different shadow situations,three experiments were designed,which included group A exploring the effect of the artificial reef model with different shadow areas,group B exploring the effect of the plate with different shadow areas without reef model present,and group C exploring the effect of the artificial reef model with same shadow areas but different number of opening hole.The experimental tank without the artificial reef model and the plate was used as the control group.A light source was fixed at the top of the experimental tank.The juveniles of S.schlegelii(body length,(5.06±0.09)cm;body mass,(3.22±0.16)g)were selected as the experimental animal.We observed and recorded the behavior and distribution characteristics of the juveniles in the experimental tank.The results showed that the occurrence rates of individuals around the reef model in the three experimental groups were all significantly higher than that in the control group and other areas.The occurrence rate increased with the increase of reef shadow area around the reef model in group A.Group B showed no significant difference in the occurrence rate around the reef model between the different experimental levels.Group C indicated the occurrence rate around the reef model was similar with 1 and 9 circle holes but higher than 4 and 6 openings.In addition to indicating a larger shadow area of the reef model caused more effective assemblage performance of the reef,our study also showed that a higher number of openings could provide better shelter and ensure the effect of organism assemblage when fixing the same shadow area.


中国海洋大学水产学院,山东青岛 266003山东省渔业发展和资源养护总站,山东烟台 264003中国科学院海洋研究所,山东青岛 266003



artificial reefSebastes schlegeliishadow effectbehavioral responseattraction

《中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024 (001)

26-34 / 9

国家重点研究发展计划项目(2019YFD0901302)资助 Supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China(2019YFD0901302)

