

Expression Characteristics and Regulation Mechanism of AMPK Gene in Gonad Development of Triploid Pacific Oyster(Crassostrea gigas)


为探究三倍体长牡蛎(Crassostrea gigas)性腺发育的分子调控机制,对AMPK基因及其靶基因在长牡蛎性腺发育过程中的表达特性进行研究.长牡蛎AMPK包含AMPK α、AMPK β和AMPK γ三个亚基.荧光定量PCR结果显示,这三个亚基的mRNA表达量在二倍体长牡蛎性腺发育过程中均呈下降趋势,在三倍体长牡蛎性腺发育过程中均呈上升趋势.二倍体长牡蛎性腺中AMPK α亚基Thr172位点磷酸化(p-AMPK α)水平在增殖期高,到成熟期几乎完全消失,这说明在长牡蛎性腺发育早期AMPK基因可能起到重要调控作用;在三倍体长牡蛎中,不育型三倍体(3nβ)的p-AMPK α水平显著高于可育型三倍体(3nα),推测AMPK α亚基磷酸化增强可能与三倍体不育密切相关.AMPK α亚基活性蛋白主要定位在滤泡细胞、精原/精母细胞和卵原/卵母细胞,说明该蛋白可能参与调控长牡蛎配子发生的早期过程.对AMPK潜在靶基因(GCS、CREB、SREBP1、ACC和Raptor)进行表达量分析,结果显示长牡蛎中p-AMPK α可能参与了 CREB和SREBP1基因表达的调控.推测在可育型三倍体长牡蛎性腺发育早期AMPK基因可能调控促进糖原和脂质的分解,为生殖细胞分裂和分化提供能量;而在不可育型三倍体长牡蛎中由于生殖细胞分裂不旺盛,AMPK基因表达未被抑制,AMPK发挥维持体内能量稳态的调控作用.

To explore the molecular regulation mechanism of gonadal development in triploid Crassostrea gigas,the expression characteristics of AMPK gene and its target genes during gonadal development in C.gigas were investigated.AMPK contained three subunits,AMPK α,AMPK β and AMPK y.The results of real time PCR showed that the three AMPK subunits mRNA all showed a decreasing trend during the gonadal development in diploid C.gigas and an increasing trend in triploid C.gigas.The phosphorylation level of AMPK α at Thr172(p-AMPK α)of gonadal development in diploid C.gigas was high at the proliferative stage and almost completely disappeared by the mature stage,indicating that AMPK may play an important regulatory role in the early stage of gonadal development in C.gigas,while in triploid C.gigas,the level of p-AMPK a was significantly higher in sterile triploids(3nβ)than in fertile triploids(3nα),speculating that p-AMPK α enhancement might be closely related to triploid infertility.AMPK α active protein was mainly located in follicular cells,spermatogonia/spermatocytes and oogonia/oocytes,suggesting that this protein may be involved in the regulation of the early gametogenesis of C.gigas.The expression of potential AMPK targeting genes(GCS,CREB,SREBP1,ACC and Raptor)were analyzed,and the results showed that p-AMPK αmay be involved in the regulation of CREB and SREBP1 expression.It is speculated that AMPK may promote glycogen and lipid breakdown and provide energy for germ cell division and differentiation at the early stage of gonadal development in fertile triploid C.gigas.In the sterile triploid C.gigas,the expression of AMPK was not inhibited due to the lack of vigorous germ cell division,which maintained the energy homeostasis in the body.


海水养殖教育部重点实验室(中国海洋大学),山东青岛 266003||辽宁省海洋水产科学研究院大连市海产贝类种质资源创新利用重点实验室,辽宁大连 116023海水养殖教育部重点实验室(中国海洋大学),山东青岛 266003||青岛海洋科学与技术试点国家实验室海洋渔业科学与食物产出过程功能实验室,山东青岛 266237辽宁省海洋水产科学研究院大连市海产贝类种质资源创新利用重点实验室,辽宁大连 116023



Crassostrea gigasgonadal developmentAMPK genetriploidregulation mechanism

《中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024 (001)


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国家自然科学基金项目(31672649);国家重点研究发展计划项目(2018YFD0900200);辽宁省海洋经济发展专项(202222);大连市科技创新基金项目(2021YF16SN015,2021JB11SN035)资助 Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(31672649);the National Key Research and Development Program of China(2018YFD0900200);the Ocean Economic Development Grants of Liaoning Province(202222);the Science and Technology Foundation of Dalian(2021YF16SN015,2021JB11SN035)

