

Tempo-Spatial Distributions and Influencing Factors of CH4 and DMS During Scallop Farming in Yantai Offshore


甲烷(CH4)和二甲基硫(Dimethylsulfide,DMS)是重要的挥发性生源活性气体,在调节气候变化方面具有重要意义.本文为探究筏式扇贝养殖对CH4和DMS分布与释放通量的影响,分别于2019年5、6、7、8、9和11月对烟台近海进行现场调查.结果表明,贝类滤食可以间接将水中的有机物质输入到沉积物中,导致扇贝养殖区底层CH4平均浓度比非养殖区高25.64%.贝类滤食也可以将浮游植物体内的二甲基疏基丙磷(Dimethylsulfo niopropionate,DMSP)转化为海水中的颗粒态DMSP,增加DMSP向DMS的转化,与非养殖区相比,养殖区表层DMS浓度增加了 24.13%.另外,表层海水CH4浓度处于过饱和状态,而DMSP可能是表层海水CH4重要的潜在来源.整个扇贝养殖周期内,调查海域CH4海-气通量约为9.69×106 g,DMS海-气通量约为3.33×107 g,是大气CH4和DMS重要的源.

Methane(CH4)and dimethylsulfide(DMS)are important volatile biogenic active gases,which play important roles in regulating climate change.In order to explore the impact of raft culture of scallop on CH4 and DMS,field investigations were conducted in Yantai offshore during May,June,July,August,September and November in 2019,respectively.The results showed that scallop filter feeding could indirectly input organic matter into sediment,and resulting in an 25.64%higher average CH4 concentration in the bottom layer of scallop farming area compared with that in non-culture area.Meanwhile,scallop filter feeding could also repackage the phytoplanktonic DMSP into fecal DMSP,and then degrade DMSP into DMS by attracting attached bacteria.Compared with the non-farming area,the DMS concentration in the surface layer of the farming area increased by 24.13%.In addition,the CH4 concentrations in surface seawater were supersaturated,and DMSP may be an important potential source of CH4 in the surface seawater.Yantai offshore is an important source of atmospheric CH4 and DMS.During the whole scallop breeding cycle,the sea-air fluxes of CH4 and in the investigated sea area was about 9.69X106 and 3.33X107 g,respectively.


中国科学院海岸带研究所,海岸带生物学与生物资源利用重点实验室,山东烟台 264006山东省海洋资源与环境研究院,山东省海洋生态修复重点实验室,山东烟台 264006江苏省海洋生物资源与环境重点实验室,江苏海洋大学,江苏连云港 222005||江苏省海洋资源开发研究院,江苏连云港 222005中国科学院海岸带研究所,海岸带生物学与生物资源利用重点实验室,山东烟台 264006



CH4DMSDMSPshellfish farming

《中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024 (1)



国家自然科学基金项目(42006047)国家自然基金委重大研究计划项目(92051119)泰山学者攀登计划项目(tspd20210317)资助 Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(42006047)the Major Research Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China(92051119)the Taishan Scholars Climbing Program(tspd20210317)

