

Effect of Phosphate Fertilizer on N,P and K Ecological Stoichiometry of Roots and Needles of Pinus massonana Seedlings


了解马尾松根系及针叶中的氮(N)、磷(P)、钾(K)生化计量特征,判断其养分的限制性及利用情况,为马尾松苗木培育过程中的施肥管理提供技术支持.采用马尾松苗木的施肥试验,使用的磷肥是钙镁磷肥(P有效率为 14%)0、50、100、200 g/株(P1、P2、P3、P4)4 个水平.分析磷肥对 1 年生马尾松苗根系及针叶在不同季节的N、P、K质量分数的影响.结果表明,不同磷肥施用量对马尾松N、P、K及其计量特征影响不显著(P>0.05),不同季节的影响显著(P<0.05).施肥后次年春季针叶在P2 处理下N ∶ P=17.2,结果大于 16,其余处理马尾松根系及针叶均N ∶ P<14,后期(冬季、次年春季)施磷肥针叶N ∶ P高于对照.N ∶ K为 2.83~29.30,均大于 2.1,P ∶ K为 0.68~3.82,K ∶ P均小于 3.4,P2 处理马尾松根系及针叶N ∶ K小于对照,P3、P4 处理针叶N ∶ K均大于对照.不同处理表现出马尾松生长过程受N、K元素限制,施磷肥后由于磷素质量分数增加而加剧了N、K元素的限制,特别是高质量分数磷肥施用(P3、P4).研究显示,大量的磷素添加(P3、P4)加剧马尾松生长中N、K元素的限制,马尾松苗培育中N、P、K按照适合比例配合施用更能促进苗木生长,不同器官N、P、K计量特征对马尾松生长的限制性标准仍需进一步研究.

In order to comprehend the root and needle N,P and K biochemical stoichiometry characteristics of Pinus massonana,judge its nutrient restriction and utlization,this results provide technical support for fertilization management in the process of P.mas-sonana seedling cultivation.The fertilization experiment of P.massonana seedlings was carried out to analyze the effect of P fertilizer on the N,P and K mass fractions of roots and needles of one-year-old P.massonana seedlings in different seasons.The phosphorus fertilizer used calcium magnesium phosphorus fertilizer(P has an effective rate of 14%).Four levels of 0,50,100 and 200(P1,P2,P3,P4)was designed in this experment.The results showed that the content of N,P,K and their ecological stoichiometry were not significantly affected by different P application(P>0.05),but it was significantly different in different seasons(P<0.05).In the spring of the following year after fertilization,under P2 treatment N ∶ P was17.2,which was greater than 16.The roots and needles of P.massoniana in other treatments had N ∶ P<14,and the needles were treated with P fertilizer in the later stage(winter,spring of the following year)with N ∶ P higher than the CK.The ratio of N ∶ K was 2.83-29.30,both greater than 2.1,the ratio of P ∶ K was 0.68-3.82 and K ∶ P was less than 3.4.The ratio of N ∶ K of roots and needles of P.massoniana in P2 treatment was less than the CK,and the ratio of N ∶ K of needles in P3 and P4 treatments was higher than the CK.Different treatments showed that the growth process of P.massonana was limited by N and K elements,and the restriction of N and K elements was aggravated by the increase of P concentration after applying P fertilizer,especially when applying high concentration P fertilizer(P3,P4).The results of this study showed that a large amount of phosphorus(P3,P4)increased the restriction of N and K elements in the growth of P.massonana.In the cultivation of P.massonana seedlings,N,P,and K can be applied in a suitable proportion to promote seedling growth.Further research is needed on the limiting standards of N,P,and K measurement characteristics of different organs on the growth of P.massonana.


贵州民族大学 生态环境工程学院, 贵阳 550025



Ecological stoichiometryrootneedlesPinus massonanaP fertilizer

《森林工程》 2024 (001)


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