

Research on Time-series Dynamic Biomass Calculation Based on UAV Low-altitude Remote Sensing Data


为解决林分自然生长和人工剪伐修枝引起的单木特征参数变化所造成的生物量变化问题,采用地基激光雷达数据(TLS)和无人机激光雷达数据(UAV-LS)为数据源,通过单木分割的方法,以地基激光雷达数据提供的高精度数字高程模型为基础,提升无人机激光雷达数据的单木召回率;基于无人机激光雷达数据进行单木树高的提取及一致性评定,通过优化的生物量模型,利用树高参数计算 2022 年和 2023 年各树种单木生物量.结果表明,联合地面激光雷达数据可以将无人机激光雷达数据的单木召回率从 60.0%提升至 73.1%;对 2022 年、2023 年树高参数提取得到近两年树木自然生长、修剪状况;对树高一致性评定得到一致性相关系数(Concordance correlation coefficient,CCC)为0.98,均方根误差(RMSE)为1.12 m;对生物量计算得到近两年各树种单木生物量、林分生物量,2022 年、2023 年单位面积生物量分别为77.39、81.56 t/hm2.研究证实在研究区通过无人机低空遥感数据获取树高时序动态计算各树种单木生物量可行,可以掌握林分自然生长和人工修剪引起的生物量变化.

In order to solve the problem of biomass change caused by the change of the characteristic parameters of single wood caused by the natural growth of forest stand and the pruning of artificial shears,terrestrial laser scanning(TLS)and aerial vehicle laser scanning(UAV-LS)data were taken as data sources,through the single-wood segmentation method,the single-wood recall rate of UAV-LS data based on the high-precision digital elevation model provided by terrestrial laser scanning was improved.Based on the UAV-LS data,the extraction and consistency evaluation of individual tree height were carried out.The optimized biomass model was used to calculate the individual tree biomass of each tree species in 2022 and 2023 using tree height parameters.The results showed that the combined TLS data can increase the recall rate of UAV-LS data from 60.0% to 73.1%.The tree height parameters in 2022 and 2023 were extracted to obtain the natural growth and pruning status of trees in the past two years.The consistency correlation coef-ficient(Concordance correlation coefficient,CCC)of tree height consistency evaluation was 0.98 and the root mean square error(RMSE)was 1.12 m.And the biomass of single wood and stand biomass in the past two years was calculated and the stand biomass was 77.39 and 81.56 t/hm2 per unit area in 2022 and 2023,respectively.This study confirmed that it was feasible to obtain tree height time series dynamic calculation of individual tree biomass of each tree species by using UAV low-altitude remote sensing data in the research area and can grasp the biomass changes caused by natural growth and artificial pruning of forest stands.


太原理工大学 矿业工程学院,山西 太原 030024



TLSUAV-LStree heightbiomassunmanned aerial vehicle(UAV)

《森林工程》 2024 (001)

17-25 / 9


