

Effects of IAA,NAA and IBA on Rooting of Tissue Culture Seedlings of Cranberry


蔓越莓(Oxycoccos)耐寒性较强,其果实具有很高的保健价值和经济价值.以蔓越莓组培苗作为插穗,探究吲哚乙酸(Indole-3-acetic acid,IAA)、萘乙酸(1-naphthlcetic acid,NAA)和吲哚丁酸(3-Indolebutyric acid,IBA)不同质量浓度处理下蔓越莓插穗的浸泡和速沾试验,同时探究不同激素种类和质量浓度对生根率、苗高增长量、生物量和根系生长特点(包括最长根长、根表面积、根平均直径和平均根数)的影响.结果表明,当NAA浸泡处理为100、200 mg/L时根系生长状态较好,但是最长根长仅为(30.77±0.18)cm(NAA 100 mg/L)、根平均直径为(0.3±0.02)mm.而IBA质量浓度为 1 000 mg/L时速沾处理的插穗最长根长为(30.13±3.22)cm、根平均直径为(0.39±0.04)mm、根表面积为(1.27±0.01)cm2、平均根数为(128.22±2.38)条.由此来看,浸泡处理和速沾处理最优处理根系生长状况相差不大,但是综合来看当IBA质量浓度为 1 000 mg/L,速沾时生根率最高,为 85%.因此速沾的方法更适合蔓越莓组培苗的扦插生根.该研究初次建立蔓越莓组培苗扦插繁殖技术,为蔓越莓规模化繁育奠定基础.

Cranberry(Oxycoccos)has strong cold resistance,and its fruit has high health value and economic value.In this stud-y,the tissue cultured seedlings of cranberry were used as cuttings to explore the soaking and quick dipping tests of cranberry cuttings under different indole-3-acetic acid(IAA),1-naphthlcetic acid(NAA)and 3-indolebutyric acid(IBA)concentrations,and the effects of different hormone types and concentrations on rooting rate,seedling height growth,biomass and root growth characteristics(including the longest root length,root surface area,average root diameter and average root number).The results showed that,when NAA soaking treatment was 100 and 200 mg/L,the root system grew well,but the longest root length was only(30.77±0.18)cm(NAA 100 mg/L),and the average root diameter was(0.3±0.02)mm.However,the longest root length of cuttings treated with IBA 1000 mg/L per hour was(30.13±3.22)cm,the average root diameter was(0.39±0.04)mm,the root surface area was(1.27±0.01)cm2,and the average number of roots was(128.22±2.38).From this point of view,there was little difference in root growth between the soaking treatment and the rapid soaking treatment,but in general,when the IBA concentration was 1000 mg/L,the rooting rate,was 85% at the highest.Therefore,the quick dipping method was more suitable for the rooting of cranberry tissue culture seed-lings.In this study,the cutting propagation technology of tissue culture seedlings of cranberry was established for the first time,which laid the foundation for large-scale propagation of cranberry.


北华大学 林学院,吉林 吉林 132013||吉林省林业科学研究院 生物技术研究所,长春 130000吉林省林业科学研究院 生物技术研究所,长春 130000吉林省林业科学研究院 生物技术研究所,长春 130000||吉林农业大学 林学与草学学院,长春 130118北华大学 林学院,吉林 吉林 132013



Cranberrytissue culturerooting by cuttingtissue culture seedlingroot growth characteristics

《森林工程》 2024 (001)

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