Fusion of UAV and TLS LiDAR Point Cloud Data for Estimating Individual Tree Structure Parameters
激光雷达(Light detection and ranging,LiDAR)作为一种主动遥感技术,能够通过发射激光能量并接收返回信息的方式获取森林空间结构信息,然而,单独使用时存在扫描盲区,无法获取完整的森林树木三维点云.为此,提出融合无人机和地基LiDAR点云估测单木结构参数的方法,采用地面特征和树木位置关系的配准方法实现点云融合,并在融合点云数据的基础上提出一种改进的K均值层次聚类分割算法完成单木分割,然后根据基于分割后的单木点云使用轴对齐包围盒算法以及最小二乘拟合圆法分别提取单木树高和胸径,最后通过生物量异速生长方程估测单木生物量.研究结果表明,蒙古栎样地的树高、胸径和单木生物量的决定系数(R2)分别为0.84、0.93和 0.91,单木结构参数的均方根误差(RMSE)分别为 0.75 m、0.96 cm和26.31 kg/株;樟子松样地的树高、胸径和单木生物量的R2 分别为 0.92、0.96 和 0.95,相应的均方根误差分别为 0.43 m、1.06 cm和 26.12 kg/株.融合无人机和地基LiDAR点云为快速完整地获取林木构型信息提供可靠的数据基础,为联合多源激光雷达技术深入林业应用提供有力的技术支撑.
Light detection and ranging(LiDAR),as an active remote sensing technology,is able to obtain information on the spa-tial structure of forests by emitting laser energy and receiving the return information,however,when used alone there is a scanning blind spot and a complete 3D point cloud of forest trees cannot be obtained.Based on this,this study proposes a method for estimating the structural parameters of a individual tree by fusing UAV and TLS LiDAR point clouds,and realizes point cloud fusion by using a registration method based on ground features and tree position relationships.Based on this,an improved K-means hierarchical cluste-ring segmentation algorithm is proposed to complete the individual tree segmentation,and then based on the segmented individual tree point cloud,the axis-aligned bounding box algorithm and the least squares fitting circle method are used to extract the height of the in-dividual tree and diameter at breast height respectively,and finally estimate the biomass of a individual tree through the biomass allo-metric growth equation.The research results show that the Coefficient of Deter mination(R2)of tree height,diameter at breast height and individual tree biomass of Quercus mongolica sample plots are 0.84,0.93,0.91 respectively,and the root mean square error(RMSE)of individual tree structure parameters are 0.75 m,0.96 cm,26.31 kg/plant respectively.The R2 of tree height,diameter at breast height and individual tree biomass in the Pinus sylvestris plot are 0.92,0.96,and 0.95,respectively,and the corresponding root mean square errors are 0.43 m,1.06 cm,and 26.12 kg/plant,respectively.The fusion of UAV and TLS LiDAR point cloud pro-vides a reliable data basis for the rapid and complete acquisition of forest structure information,and provides a strong technical support for the deep forestry application of joint multi-source LiDAR technology.
东北林业大学 机电工程学院,哈尔滨 150040东北林业大学 机电工程学院,哈尔滨 150040东北林业大学 机电工程学院,哈尔滨 150040东北林业大学 机电工程学院,哈尔滨 150040
UAV LiDARTLS LiDARpoint cloud fusionindividual tree segmentationindividual tree structure parameters
《森林工程》 2024 (1)