Inversion of Soil Salinization and Water Salt Coupling Analysis in the Bohai Rim Plain Area
为明晰土壤盐渍化多维空间分布特征、水盐耦合关系,以环渤海平原的山东部分为研究区,通过野外实测和室内分析获取数据,基于经典统计方法对土壤水盐特征进行描述性统计分析;利用 GIS软件分析土壤含盐量、含水量的二维空间分布,GMS 软件可视化分析土壤盐渍化三维空间分异特征;构建土壤水盐耦合协调模型,定量分析不同因素对水盐耦合协调度的影响程度.结果表明:(1)研究区土壤含盐量中位数为2.08 g/kg,以中度盐渍土为主,土壤含盐量整体呈自上而下逐渐增大趋势,表层土壤含水量均值为15.38%,全区域较缺水;(2)二维空间上,土壤含水量<20%的面积为 17 519.48 km2,共占 86.64%;表层(0-20 cm)土壤含盐量以轻度盐渍土为主,面积为 10 051.87 km2,占总面积 49.71%.土壤含水量、土壤含盐量均呈自南向北增加趋势;三维空间上,土体盐渍化分布类型以均质型、底聚型为主,局部存在表聚、两端集聚类型,土体盐渍化分布特征复杂;(3)东营区以北区域水盐耦合度多>0.66,以南区域(除平度、莱州市外)耦合度多为 0.40~0.66,形成以东营区为界,以北区域水盐相互作用强度整体大于以南区域的空间格局;(4)南部以低度协调、中度协调为主,北部则以较高协调、高度协调为主,高程、平均温度、平均降雨量、NDVI对水盐耦合协调度影响最强,其相关系数分别为 0.26,0.25,0.25,0.21.研究结果可为环渤海平原区域盐渍土资源合理开发利用提供理论依据.
In order to clarify the multidimensional spatial distribution characteristics and the water-salt coupling relationship of soil salinity,the Shandong part of the Bohai Rim Plain was taken as the research area.Data were obtained through field measurements and indoor analyses,and descriptive statistical analysis of soil water-salt characteristics were carried out based on classical statistical methods.GIS software was used to analyze the two-dimensional spatial distribution of soil salinity and water content,and GMS software visualization was used to and analyze the three-dimensional spatial differentiation characteristics of soil salinity.A soil water-salt coupling coordination model was constructed to quantitatively analyze the degree of influence of different factors on water-salt coupling coordination.The results showed that:(1)The median soil salinity in the study area was 2.08 g/kg,with moderately saline soils dominating,and the overall soil salinity showed a gradual increase from top to bottom;the mean value of surface soil water content was 15.38%,and the whole region was relatively water-scarce.(2)In the two-dimensions,the area with soil water content less than 20%was 17 519.48 km2,which accounted for a total of 86.64%;the soil salinity in the surface layer(0-20 cm)was dominated by mildly saline soils,with anareaof 10 051.87 km2,accounting for 49.71%of the total area.Soil water content and soil salinity both showed an increasing trend from south to north.(3)The water-salt coupling degree in the area north of Dongying District was mostly greater than 0.66,while the coupling degree in the area south(except Pingdu and Laizhou City)was mostly concentrated in the range of 0.40-0.66,forming a spatial pattern in which the intensity of water-salt interaction in the area north of Dongying District as a whole was greater than that in the area south.(4)The southern part of the study area was dominated by low coordination and medium coordination,while the northern part was dominated by higher coordination and high coordination.elevation,average temperature,average rainfall and NDVI had the strongest influence on the coordination of water-salt coupling,with correlation coefficients of 0.26,0.25,0.25 and 0.21 respectively.The results of the study can provide a theoretical basis for the rational development and utilization of saline soil resources in the Bohai Sea Plain region.
山东农业大学资源与环境学院,山东 泰安 271018山东农业大学资源与环境学院,山东 泰安 271018山东鲁研农业良种有限公司,济南 250100莱州市农业农村局,山东 莱州 261400
soil salinizationmultidimensional visual analysissoil water and salt coupling coordinationBohai Rim Plain
《水土保持学报》 2023 (6)
山东省自然科学基金项目(ZR2021 MD018)国家重点研发计划项目(2021 YFD190090101)