

Aesthetic and Emotion:Study on the Mechanism of Individual Interaction Perception from the Perspective of Aesthetics


[目的/意义]美学因素对用户情感体验有重要的影响作用,情感则是驱动用户交互行为的重要因素,为探讨美感和情感之间的关系,分析美学视角下的个体交互感知机制.[方法/过程]本文基于SOR理论构建了"界面美学—人体机理—美学感知"的研究模型,设计了不同审美能力被试浏览不同美学水平网页界面的眼动实验.参与实验的 30 名被试通过梅尔美术测试区分出了高审美组和低审美组,均浏览经权威网站投票甄选出的高美学水平和低美学水平网页,眼动追踪设备会记录他们的眼动行为,同时实验中还通过情感量表、美学量表和半结构化访谈采集用户的主观感知数据.[结果/结论]统计分析发现,两组被试间的总注视时长、注视点个数和平均注视时间存在显著差异,界面美学水平显著影响被试的视觉认知加工、情感效价和美学感知;高审美组被试对美学感知更加灵敏,两组被试对界面的情感倾向较为一致,被试审美能力对界面美学感知存在调节作用,个体机理对界面美学感知存在部分中介效应.本研究丰富了人机交互过程中美感与情感关系的相关知识,为提升交互界面美学设计和情感体验提供参考.

[Purpose/Significance]Aesthetics play a crucial role in shaping user emotional experience,which in turn drives their human-computer interaction behavior.This study aims to explore the relationship between aesthetics and emo-tion and examine the mechanism of individual interaction perception from an aesthetic standpoint.[Method/Process]Draw-ing on the SOR theory,the study developed a research model of"interface aesthetics-human body mechanism-aesthetic perception".An experiment was conducted in which participants with varying levels of aesthetic abilities were asked to browse web pages with different aesthetic qualities.Participants were divided into a high aesthetic group and a low aesthetic group based on the Meier Art Judgment Test.All participants were required to browse web pages with both high and low aes-thetics,carefully selected from authoritative websites.Eye tracking devices were used to record participants'eye movement behavior,while subjective perception data was collected through emotional and aesthetic scales as well as semi-structured interviews.[Result/Conclusion]The results demonstrated significant differences between the two groups in terms of total fixation duration,fixation count,and average fixation time.The level of interface aesthetics had a significant impact on vis-ual cognitive processing,emotional valence,and aesthetic perception for the participants.Individuals in the high aesthetic group showed greater sensitivity to aesthetic perception,and the emotional tendencies of both groups were more aligned.Furthermore,the aesthetic ability of participants moderated the aesthetic perception of the interface,while the individual organism partially mediated this perception.This study enhances our understanding of the relationship between aesthetics and emotion in human-computer interaction,offering insights into the design of interaction interfaces from an aesthetic per-spective and the improvement of user emotional experiences.


南京大学信息管理学院, 江苏 南京 210023南京大学信息管理学院, 江苏 南京 210023南京大学信息管理学院, 江苏 南京 210023国营芜湖机械厂, 安徽 芜湖 241000


aestheticemotional valenceeye trackingaesthetic abilitycognition

《现代情报》 2024 (1)


