

Persistence of part-list-cuing-induced forgetting:The role of item value


高价值项目通常比低价值项目识记得更好.目前,尚不清楚项目价值会如何影响部分线索效应.将部分线索范式与价值导向记忆任务相结合(实验1),并进一步操纵编码条件(1-学,2-学-测)和测验时程(即时测验,最终测验)(实验 2),考察以不同价值的项目作为部分线索对不同价值测验项目再认的影响及其持久性.结果发现:线索项目和测验项目的价值均显著影响部分线索效应.具体而言:在 1-学条件下,高价值线索使得高、低价值测验项目的再认受损均从即时测验持续到了最终测验,低价值线索仅使高价值测验项目在即时测验中受损.而在2-学-测条件下,仅高价值线索使得低价值测验项目的再认受损从即时测验持续到了最终测验.研究结果表明:项目价值影响部分线索诱发遗忘效应的强度及持久性,在从项目关联编码这一角度界定部分线索对记忆提取的作用时,还需考虑项目价值的作用.

The part-list cuing effect refers to the phenomenon that when providing a subset of previously learned items as retrieval cues,people's recall performance for the remaining items is often worse compared to when retrieval cues are absent.Memory research also showed that items with high value are generally better remembered than items with low value.However,it is unclear how the values of items affect the part-list cuing effect and its persistence.Through two experiments,this study investigated the influence of item value on the part-list cuing effect. Experiment 1 employed a part-list cuing paradigm in a value-directed memory task.During the learning phase,participants were asked to study category exemplars which were assigned different values(1 or 10 points).Participants were then asked to make an old/new judgement after the presentation of part-list cues.Experiment 2 further manipulated the encoding condition(i.e.,1-study encoding vs.2-study-test encoding)and the test schedule(i.e.,immediate test vs.final test).In the 1-study condition,participants received only one study cycle,but went through two study-test cycles in the 2-study-test condition.The immediate test phase is the same as Experiment 1;the final test involved a final recognition test after a 5min distractor task. Results from the two experiments collectively showed both the assigned values of cued and test items affected the item recognition performance:cue items with high value resulted in poorer target item recognition performance than those with low value;however,the recognition accuracy was higher for target items with high-than low-value,and the high-value target items were more sensitive to the presentation of part-list cuing.The emergence and persistence of part-list cuing was also modulated by item values.Under the 1-study condition,the high-value cues led to worse target item recognition regardless of the values of the target items,and this detrimental effect was observed in both immediate and final tests.In contrast,the low-value cues only caused poorer recognition of high-value targets in the immediate test.Under the 2-study-test condition,only high-value cues caused recognition impairment of the low-value targets in both immediate and delayed tests.The above results partially validate the two-mechanism account of part-list cuing,and also are a key supplement to this hypothesis:the role of part-list cuing on memory retrieval is not necessarily manifested as a lasting impairment in the low associative coding condition,or a transient impairment in the high associative coding condition,and the item value also influences the strength and persistence of the role of part-list cuing,and it is also necessary to take into account the role of item value when defining the role of part-list cuing on memory retrieval from the perspective of item associative encoding.


信阳师范大学教育科学学院,河南 信阳 464000福建师范大学心理学院,福州 350108教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地天津师范大学心理与行为研究院,天津师范大学心理学部,天津 300387



part-list cuingitem valueencoding conditionstest schedule

《心理学报》 2024 (001)

15-28 / 14


