

Determination and Correlation Analysis of Body Size Traits and Slaughter Traits of Taiping Chicken in Kang County


为探究康县太平鸡的体尺性状、屠宰性状及两者间的相关性,以 40 周龄的健康太平鸡为研究对象,测定其体尺性状与屠宰性状,并对所有测定性状指标间的相关性进行分析.结果表明:40周龄太平鸡体斜长为 21.87 cm、龙骨长为 10.70 cm、胫长为 9.01 cm、胫围为 4.32 cm、胸围为28.05 cm、胸深为 10.65 cm、胸宽为 6.82 cm、骨盆宽为 7.65 cm;宰前活重为 1 920.7 g、屠体重为1 712.5 g、半净膛重为 1 533.4 g、全净膛重为 1 314.3 g、胸肌重为 277.6 g、腿肌重为 395.5 g、屠宰率为 89.1%、半净膛率为 79.3%、全净膛率为 67.8%、胸肌率为 20.8%、腿肌率为 27.1%、心重率 12.2%、腹脂率 3.0%.太平鸡体斜长、胸围、胫长、胫围与屠体重、全净膛重、半净膛重、腿肌重之间呈极显著正相关(P<0.01).结论:太平鸡产肉性能好、低脂,体斜长、胸围、胫长、胫围可以作为太平鸡屠宰性能选育的指标.

This study aims to explore the body size traits,slaughter traits and the correlation between the Taiping chickens in Kang County.We took 40-week-old healthy Taiping chickens as the research object,measured their body size traits and slaughter traits,and analyzed the correlation between all the measured traits.The results showed that the oblique length of the 40-week-old Taiping chicken was 21.87 cm,the keel length was 10.70 cm,the shin length was 9.01 cm,the shin girth was 4.32 cm,the chest girth was 28.05 cm,the chest depth was 10.65 cm,the chest width was 6.82 cm,and the pelvis The width is 7.65 cm;the live weight before slaughter is 1 920.7 g,the carcass weight is 1712.5 g,the half eviscerated weight is 1533.4 g,the whole eviscerated weight is 1314.3 g,the chest muscle weight is 277.6 g,and the leg muscle weight is 395.5 g.The slaughter rate is 89.1%,the evisceration rate is 79.3%,the full eviscerated rate is 67.8%,the chest muscle rate is 20.8%,the leg muscle rate is 27.1%,the heart weight rate is 12.2%,and the abdominal fat rate is 3.0%.Taiping chicken body ob-lique length,chest girth,shin length,shin girth and carcass weight,eviscerated weight,half eviscerated weight,and leg mus-cle weight were significantly positively correlated(P<0.01).This study shows that Taiping chickens have good meat per-formance,low fat,body oblique length,chest circumference,shank length,and shank circumference can be used as indicators for slaughter performance of Taiping chickens.


甘肃畜牧工程职业技术学院,甘肃 武威 733006甘肃农业大学康县梅园太平山鸡养殖专业合作社



Taiping chickensbody size traitsslaughter traitscorrelation analysis

《畜牧兽医杂志》 2024 (001)

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