Multi-omics Differential Characterization and Molecular Identification Enable the Accurate Identification of Chinese Herbal Medicine:A Case Study of Herbal Medicines of Panax
The identification of the original plants of Chinese medicinal materials,especially the distinguishing between similar species,is a key and difficult point in the quality control of Chinese medicinal materials.The Chinese medicinal materials from the same genus(or closely related species)and from different parts of the same plant often share similar chemical composition,which poses a great challenge to the evaluation of the authenticity,especially the raw material authenticity in the preparation of Chinese medicinal granules or Chinese patent medicines.Panax ginseng and other medicinal herbs of Panax are widely used worldwide because of their tonifying effects.Multiple species of Panax can be used as medicinal herbs,which are easily confused,especially in the prescription preparations where the appearance characteristics of medicinal materials or decoction pieces disappear.In recent years,multi-omics differential characterization and molecular identification,which can complement with each other,have been widely employed in the identification and differentiation of Panax herbal medicines.This review summaries the application of multi-omics analysis and molecular identification in the distinguishing of multiple herbal medicines of Panax,expecting to provide the methodological reference for the accurate identification of Chinese herbal medicines that are easy to be confused.
天津中医药大学 组分中药国家重点实验室,天津 301617天津中医药大学 组分中药国家重点实验室,天津 301617天津中医药大学 组分中药国家重点实验室,天津 301617天津中医药大学 组分中药国家重点实验室,天津 301617天津中医药大学 组分中药国家重点实验室,天津 301617天津中医药大学 组分中药国家重点实验室,天津 301617天津中医药大学 组分中药国家重点实验室,天津 301617
PanaxChinese patent medicineaccurate identificationmulti-omics analysismolecular identification
《中国现代中药》 2023 (10)