Production Status of Panax ginseng and P.quinquefolius in Fusong County in 2021 and Development Suggestions
目的:分析 2021 年抚松县人参、西洋参,以及其他中小药材种植面积、产量情况,明确人参、西洋参产业家底,更好地服务于抚松县人参、西洋参为主体的中药材产业布局规划.方法:通过整理各乡镇的药材生产数据,分析抚松县园参、林下参、西洋参的总面积及其不同生长年限的面积数据,以及五味子等中小生产数据详情,结合地理信息系统对抚松县各乡镇人参、西洋参、中小药材的面积进行空间自相关性分析.结果:2021年抚松县中药材面积:园参在地面积为1.5万亩(1亩≈666.67 m2),西洋参在地面积为0.18万亩,林下参在地面积为2.7万亩,中小药材种植面积为 0.53 万亩.抚松县 2021 年度药材总产量为 5736 t(鲜品),其中园参 2941 t、西洋参 428 t、中小药材 2369 t.西洋参种植面积分布呈现空间聚集特征.根据留存面积,预测抚松县未来 1~3 年内,园参每年可采收面积在 1000 亩以上,其中 2024 年可采收面积在 5000 亩以上;抚松县 15 年以上的林下参面积在 2021 年已超过万亩.预测抚松县西洋参 2023 年可采收面积为 500 多亩,2024 可采收面积为 450 亩,2025 年可采收面积为 300 多亩.结论:明确了园参、林下参、西洋参生产统计指标.抚松县不同乡镇中药材种植品种的侧重点不同,万良镇园参种植面积最大,沿江乡林下参种植面积最大,兴参镇西洋参种植面积最大,抽水乡五味子种植面积最大,泉阳镇中小药材种植面积最大.各乡镇依据自身特点发展中药材,以人参为代表的抚松县中药材产业发展态势良好.
Objective:To analyze the planting area and yield of Panax ginseng,P.quinquefolium and other Chinese medicinal materials in Fusong county in 2021,so as to serve the development of ginseng-dominated Chinese medicine industry and rural revitalization in this county.Methods:We analyzed the production data of garden P.ginseng,understory P.ginseng,P.quinquefolium,and Schisandra chinensis in Fusong county and analyzed the spatial distribution characteristics of each herb with the spatial correlation model of geographic information system.Results:In 2021,the area of Chinese medicinal materials in Fusong County was 15 000 mu(1 mu≈666.67 m2)for garden P.ginseng,1800 mu for P.quinquefolium,27 000 mu for understory P.ginseng,and 5300 mu for small and medium-sized medicinal materials.The total output of medicinal materials in Fusong County in 2021 was 5736 tons(fresh products),including 2941 tons of garden P.ginseng,428 tons of P.quinquefolium,and 2369 tons of small and medium-sized medicinal materials.The planting area distribution of P.quinquefolium showed spatial aggregation.According to the retained area,we predicted that the harvestable area of garden P.ginseng in Fusong county in the next 1-3 years would be more than 1000 mu and reach more than 5000 mu in 2024.The area of understory P.ginseng in Fusong county exceeded 10 000 mu in 2021.It was predicted that the harvestable area of P.quinquefolium in Fusong county would be more than 500 mu in 2023,450 mu in 2024,and 300 mu in 2025.Conclusion:The statistical indexes for the production of garden P.ginseng,understory P.ginseng,and P.quinquefolium were clarified.Different towns in Fusong county had different emphases in the cultivation of Chinese medicinal materials.Wanliang,Yanjiang,Xingshen,Choushui,and Quanyang towns had the largest planting areas of garden P.ginseng,understory P.ginseng,P.quinquefolium,S.chinensis,and small and medium-sized medicinal materials,respectively.Each township develops Chinese medicinal materials according to the local characteristics,and the industry of Chinese medicinal materials represented by P.ginseng demonstrates a bright future in Fusong county.
长春中医药大学 药学院,吉林 长春 130117||中国中医科学院 中药资源中心 道地药材品质保障与资源持续利用全国重点实验室,北京 100700吉林抚松人参质量检测中心,吉林 白山 134500中国中医科学院 中药资源中心 道地药材品质保障与资源持续利用全国重点实验室,北京 100700中国中医科学院 中药资源中心 道地药材品质保障与资源持续利用全国重点实验室,北京 100700中国中医科学院 中药资源中心 道地药材品质保障与资源持续利用全国重点实验室,北京 100700中国中医科学院 中药资源中心 道地药材品质保障与资源持续利用全国重点实验室,北京 100700长春中医药大学 药学院,吉林 长春 130117吉林抚松人参质量检测中心,吉林 白山 134500
Fusong countyproduction statistics of Chinese medicinal materialsPanax ginseng C.A.MeyP.quinquefolium L.
《中国现代中药》 2023 (11)