

Validity and reliability of the triarchic model of grit scale in cadets


目的:检验三维坚毅量表(Triarchic Model of Grit Scale,TMGS)在军校学员中的信度和效度.方法:采用三维坚毅量表、大五人格量表、学习倦怠量表、积极消极情绪体验量表和生活满意度量表对1213名军校学员施测.结果:三维坚毅量表项目区分度良好.探索性因素分析得到3个公因子,累计方差贡献率为69.622%.探索性图分析检测出3个维度,检测频率为0.99,支持三维坚毅量表的3维结构.验证性因素分析显示三维度模型拟合良好(X2/df=2.858,SRMR=0.045,RMSEA=0.062,CFI=0.971,AIC=110.000,ECVI=0.231).三维坚毅量表中文版的Cronbach's α系数为0.845,兴趣的一致性、坚持不懈的努力和适应性3个维度的Cronbach's α系数分别为0.762,0.895和0.798.重测信度为0.752.三维坚毅量表与生活满意度、积极情绪体验、外倾性、宜人性、开放性和尽责性呈显著正相关,与消极情绪体验、学习倦怠和神经质呈显著负相关.结论:三维坚毅量表具有良好的信度和效度,可以作为军校学员坚毅的有效测量工具.

Objective:To test the reliability,validity of the Chinese version of the Triarchic Model of Grit Scale(TMGS)in cadets.Methods:A total of 1213 cadets were tested with Chinese version of Triarchic Model of Grit Scale,Chinese Big Five Personality Inventory—15,Scale of Positive and Negative Experience(SPANE),the Satisfaction With Life Scale(SWLS)and Learning Burnout Scale.Results:The differentiation of 10 items in Chinese version of the Triarchic Model of Grit Scale was good.Three factors were obtained by exploratory factor analysis,and the cumula-tive variance contribution rate was 69.622%.Three dimensions were detected by exploratory graph analysis,and the detection frequency was 0.99,which supported the three—dimensional structure of TMGS.Confirmatory factor anal-ysis showed that the three factors structure model fit well(X2/df=2.858,SRMR=0.045,RMSEA=0.062,CFI=0.971,AIC=110.000,ECVI=0.231).The Cronbach's α coefficient of the Chinese version of Triarchic Model of Grit Scale was 0.845,and the Cronbach's α coefficient of the perseverance of effort,consistency of interests and adaptabili-ty to situations dimensions were 0.762,0.895 and 0.798 respectively.The test—retest reliability of the Chinese ver-sionof the Triarchic Model of Grit Scale was 0.752.Grit was significantly positively correlated with life satisfaction,positive experience,exaraversion,agreeableness,conscientiousness and openness to experienceand negatively correla-ted with negative experience,learning burnout and neuroticism.Conclusion:The Chinese version of the Triarchic Model of Grit Scale has a good reliability and validity,and can be used to measure grit of cadets.


空军军医大学学员三大队(陕西西安) 710032空军军医大学军事医学心理学系武警后勤学院军事心理学教研室西安思源学院火箭军工程大学1391分队



Triarchic model of gritCadetsValidityReliability

《中国健康心理学杂志》 2024 (001)

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