

Relationship between physical exercise and aggressive behavior in lower—grade college students:A chain intermediary function of self—control and mental resilience



Objective:To explore the association between physical exercise and aggressive behavior in lower—grade college students,and to identify the chain mediating effect of self—control and mental resilience.Methods:The sam-ple of 1078 lower—grade college students were surveyed using the Physical Exercise Rating Scale,the Self—Control Scale,the Mental Resilience Scale,and the Aggressive Scale of College Students,the chain intermediary function test and Bootstrap analysis were used.Results:(Physical exercise had a significantly positive correlation with self—con-trol(r=0.457,P<0.01)and mental resilience(r=0.475,P<0.01)in lower—grade college students;The self—con-trol was positively correlated with mental resilience(r=0.620,P<0.01),and both were significantly negatively cor-related with aggressive behavior(r=-0.448,-0.586,-0.567;P<0.01);(2)Mediation modeling analysis showed that self—control and mental resilience had significant mediating effects between physical exercise and aggressive behav-ior in lower—grade college students which Included three intermediary paths,namely,the intermediate path through self—control,with effect value of-0.161,the intermediate path of mental resilience,with effect value of-0.068,and the chained intermediate path through self—control and mental resilience,with effect value of-0.071.Conclusion:Physical exercise is an effective means to prevent and reduce aggressive behaviors in lower—grade college students,which can either influence college students'aggressive behavior directly or indirectly through the mediating variables of self—control and mental resilience.


泰州学院公共体育部 225300扬州大学体育学院 225127



Physical exerciseLower—grade college studentsChain mediationSelf—controlMental resilienceAggressive behavior

《中国健康心理学杂志》 2024 (001)

86-92 / 7


