

Path-guiding method for yarn splicing based on improved genetic algorithm


为了提高细纱车间整体断头的接头效率,在细纱单锭监测系统响应到细纱断头信息的条件下,建立以整体车间断头接头路径最优化为目标函数的细纱接头路径指引模型,并运用Python编程语言分别实现对贪心算法、遗传算法和改进遗传算法接头路径模型的求解,结合传统巡回式接头路径与3种算法在效率、运行速度和解的质量上的仿真测试,对比验证改进遗传算法用于细纱接头路径指引方法的可行性.试验结果表明:相较于传统巡回式路径,改进遗传算法平均效率提升了11.8%,且解均优于其他两种算法;相较于遗传算法,改进遗传算法的响应时间缩短较多,平均为1.25 s,且波动较小,时间效率提升了80.3%.认为:改进遗传算法在效率、运行速度和解的质量上都优于其他算法,在细纱接头领域具有较高的应用优势,能够显著提高接头效率和降低成本.

In order to improve splicing efficiency of the whole break in spinning workshop,a spun yarn splicing path guidance model with the optimization of the whole workshop breakage splicing path as the objective function was established under the condition of the single spindle monitoring system of yarn responding to the yarn breakage information.And the splicing path models of greedy algorithm,genetic algorithm and improved genetic algorithm were solved by Python programming language respectively.Combined with the traditional tour splicing path and the simulation tests of three algorithms in the efficiency,running speed and quality,the feasibility of the improved genetic algorithm for spun yarn splicing path guidance method was combined and verified.The experimental results showed that the average efficiency of the improved genetic algorithm was increased by 11.8%compared with the traditional tour path.And the solutions were better than the other two algorithms.Compared with genetic algorithm,the response time of improved genetic algorithm was much shorter with an average of 1.25 s,the fluctuation was small,and the time efficiency was increased by 80.3%.It is considered that the improved genetic algorithm was superior to other algorithms in efficiency,running speed and solution quality.It has higher application advantages in the field of spun yarn splicing,which can significantly improve the splicing efficiency and reduce the cost.





yarn splicingpath-guidingsingle spindle monitoringgreedy algorithmgenetic algorithm

《棉纺织技术》 2024 (001)

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