On the Qualification of Plaintiffs for Civil Public Interest Litigation in the Field of Marine Environment by Environmental Protection Organizations:Practical Reviews and Grounds of Legal Theory
The question of whether environmental protection organizations have the qualifications of plaintiffs to bring civil public interest litigation for the marine environment actually involves the relationship between Environmental Protection Law and Marine Environmental Protection Law.Using co-opetition theory of the norms,we found that the relationship constitutes that between general law and special law;Article 58 of the Environmental Protection Law and Article 89(2)of the Marine Environmental Protection Law(article 114(2)of the new Marine Environmental Protection Law)does constitute the relationship between general norm and special norm.However,the legal consequences of the two are not mutually exclusive.Thus,the two do not constitute a conflict of laws.They provide for two sets of litigation mechanisms that are parallel and the former is complementary to the latter.In view of the special characteristics of the civil public interest litigation in the marine environment,the qualifications of plaintiffs to bring civil public interest litigation can be limited in terms of the scope of application and the sequence of prosecution.
南京大学 法学院,江苏 南京 210093
《南京工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2023 (6)