

Runoff Characteristics of Rock Surface Under Different Rock Surface Morphology in Southwest Karst Area


[目的]研究自然降雨条件下不同岩面形态岩石的降雨产流特征,为深入了解喀斯特坡地降雨侵蚀规律提供科学依据.[方法]选取研究区内光滑、裂隙、溶穴和溶盘4种典型岩面形态的岩石为研究对象,采用野外径流小区原位观测的方法,对降雨后各种岩面形态下岩石产生的岩面径流进行监测.[结果](1)4种岩面形态中,岩面径流系数表现为光滑(0.74)>溶盘(0.57)>溶穴(0.35)>裂隙(0.19),光滑岩面平均径流系数显著高于其他类型的岩面,径流系数分别为裂隙、溶盘和溶穴的3.89,2.11,1.30倍.(2)随着降雨等级的增大,不同岩面径流系数均呈增加趋势,在大雨及以上降雨事件下,4种岩面形态的径流系数存在显著差异.(3)降雨量是影响不同岩面径流深的主要降雨因子,导致岩面产流的降雨量临界值大小表现为裂隙(1.8 mm)>光滑(1.5 mm)>溶盘(1.1 mm)>溶穴(1.0 mm).[结论]岩面形态和降雨量是影响岩面径流的主要因素;在裸岩广泛分布的喀斯特地区,岩面径流是坡面径流的重要组成,在水土流失防治中要考虑岩面径流的影响.

[Objective]The aims of this study are to examine the characteristics of rainfall-runoff under differ-ent rock surface morphologies under natural rainfall conditions,and to provide a scientific basis for further understanding the rainfall erosion pattern in karst slopes.[Methods]Four typical rock surface morphologies of smoothness,fissure,karst cave,and solution dish in this study area were selected as the research objects.In-situ observational tests on field run-off plots were used to monitor rock surface runoff generation under various rock surface morphologies after rainfall.[Results](1)Among the four kinds of rock surface morphology,the runoff coefficient of rock surface decreased in the order:smoothness(0.74)>solution dish(0.57)>karst cave(0.35)>fissure(0.19).The average runoff coefficient of smoothness was significantly higher than those of other types,being 3.89,2.11,and 1.30 times higher than those of the fissure,solution dish,and karst cave,respectively.(2)With the increase in rainfall grade,the runoff coefficients of different rock surfaces showed an increasing trend.During heavy rainfall and above rainfall events,the runoff coefficients were significantly different for the 4 rock surface morphologies.(3)Preciptation was the main rainfall factor affecting the runoff depth of rock.The critical value of rainfall causing rock surface runoff was fissure(1.8 mm)>smoothness rock surface(1.5 mm)>solution dish(1.1 mm)>karst cave(1.0 mm).[Conclusion]Rock surface morphology and rainfall are important factors affecting rock surface runoff.Large rock surface runoff is a vital component of runoff in karst slopes.The effect of rock surface runoff should be considered in the prevention of soil and water loss on karst slopes.


桂林理工大学岩溶地区水污染控制与用水安全保障协同创新中心,广西桂林 541004||桂林理工大学广西环境污染控制理论与技术重点实验室科教结合科技创新基地,广西桂林 541004广西珠委南宁勘测设计院,南宁 530007桂林理工大学岩溶地区水污染控制与用水安全保障协同创新中心,广西桂林 541004||桂林理工大学广西环境污染控制理论与技术重点实验室科教结合科技创新基地,广西桂林 541004桂林理工大学岩溶地区水污染控制与用水安全保障协同创新中心,广西桂林 541004||桂林理工大学广西环境污染控制理论与技术重点实验室科教结合科技创新基地,广西桂林 541004中国科学院环江喀斯特生态系统观测研究站,广西环江 547100中国科学院环江喀斯特生态系统观测研究站,广西环江 547100



karstrock surface morphologynatural rainfallrock surface runoffcharacteristics of runoff process

《水土保持研究》 2024 (1)




