

Responses of Aboveground Biomass and Soil Moisture and Nutrients to Microtopographic Changes in Grassland in the Loess Hilly Region


[目的]深入了解地形变化对草地生产力及土壤水分养分的影响,为草地生态系统地形复杂地区的生态恢复以及生产力的维持提供参考和依据,对草地生态系统的合理利用与科学管理具有重要意义.[方法]以黄土丘陵区草地生态系统为研究对象,采用单因素方差分析、Duncan多重比较以及Pearson相关分析等方法对6个不同微地形下的草地地上生物量及0-40 cm的土壤有机碳、全氮、全磷含量和0-100 cm的土壤水分含量进行了研究.[结果](1)在阳坡,地上生物量随坡位的降低逐渐减少且呈极显著差异,土壤有机碳和全氮含量都随坡位的降低而减小,土壤全磷含量随坡位的降低呈"V"字形变化;在阴坡,地上生物量随坡位的降低呈现增加的趋势,土壤全磷含量随坡位降低而增大.土壤有机碳、全氮及全磷含量在不同坡向、坡位上均有显著性差异.(2)土壤有机碳、全氮及全磷含量均随土层加深而减小,其中全磷含量变化不明显;6种微地形的平均水分含量均随土层深度的加深而增加,且在大于40 cm 土层上,6种微地形的土壤水分含量之间有显著差异.(3)相关性分析表明,0-20 cm 土层的全磷与地上生物量呈显著负相关,20-40 cm 土层的有机碳与地上生物量呈显著正相关,40-80 cm 土层的土壤水分含量与地上生物量呈极显著正相关.由多元线性回归分析方程可知,在垂直高度的表层土层中土壤有机碳、全磷及土壤水分含量的共同作用对地上生物量有一定的影响,解释度为69.4%.[结论]微地形对地上生物量及土壤有机碳、全氮、全磷含量和土壤水分含量的分布格局有显著的分配作用,在表层土层中土壤有机碳、全磷和土壤水分含量与地上生物量有显著相关性,对地上生物量有一定程度的影响.

[Objective]In complex terrain areas,it is of great significance for rational utilization and scientific management of grassland ecosystem to understand the impact of terrain changes on grassland productivity and soil moisture and nutrients,so as to provide reference and basis for ecological restoration and productivity maintenance in complex terrain areas of grassland ecosystem.[Methods]The grassland ecosystem in the loess hilly area was taken as the research object,the above ground biomass of grassland,the contents of soil organic carbon,total nitrogen and total phosphorus of 0-40 cm and soil moisture of 0-100 cm were studied by using one-way analysis of variance,Duncan's multiple comparison and Pearson correlation analysis.[Results](1)On the sunny slope,aboveground biomass decreased gradually with the decrease of slope position and showed a highly significant difference.The contents of SOC and STN decreased with the slope position decreasing,and the content of STP changed in a V-shaped pattern with the decrease of slope position.On the shady slope,aboveground biomass showed an increasing trend with the decrease of slope position.The content of STP increased with the decrease of the slope position.There were significant differ-ences in SOC,STN and STP contents in different slope directions and positions.(2)The contents of SOC,STN and STP all decreased with the deepening of soil layer,and the content of total phosphorus didn't change significantly.The average moisture contents of the six microtopography increased with the increase of soil depth,and there were significant differences among the soil moisture contents of the six microtopogra-phy in the soil layer greater than 40 cm.(3)Correlation analysis showed that STP in 0-20 cm soil layer was significantly negatively correlated with aboveground biomass,SOC in 20-40 cm soil layer was significantly positively correlated with aboveground biomass,and SWC in 40-80 cm soil layer was significantly positively correlated with aboveground biomass.The multiple linear regression analysis equation showed that the combined effect of SOC,STP and SWC in the topsoil layer at vertical height had the effect on aboveground biomass with an explanation of 69.4%.[Conclusion]Microtopography had a significant distribution effect on aboveground biomass,soil organic carbon,total nitrogen,total phosphorus and soil moisture contents.In the topsoil layer,soil organic carbon,total phosphorus and soil moisture contents were significantly correla-ted with aboveground biomass,and had a certain influence on aboveground biomass.


西北农林科技大学草业与草原学院,陕西杨凌 712100西北农林科技大学草业与草原学院,陕西杨凌 712100西北农林科技大学草业与草原学院,陕西杨凌 712100西北农林科技大学草业与草原学院,陕西杨凌 712100西北农林科技大学草业与草原学院,陕西杨凌 712100西北农林科技大学草业与草原学院,陕西杨凌 712100西北农林科技大学草业与草原学院,陕西杨凌 712100||中国科学院教育部水土保持与生态环境研究中心,陕西杨凌 712100



grassland ecosystemmicrotopographySOCSTNSTPSWCaboveground biomass

《水土保持研究》 2024 (1)




