Soil Anti-scourability of Different Types of Agricultural Lands in the Arid Valley Area of the Anning River and Its Relationship with Soil Properties
[目的]揭示安宁河干旱河谷区不同类型农用地土壤抗冲性变化特征,阐明影响安宁河干旱河谷区农用地土壤抗冲性的主要土壤因子,并进而为安宁河干旱河谷区农用地水土流失防治提供科学依据.[方法]以桉树经济林(EEF)、马铃薯耕地(PCL)、牧草地(GL)、撂荒地(AL)和青花椒园地(GPG)为研究对象,采用原状土水槽冲刷法进行土壤抗冲性试验,同时采集土壤样品测定土壤性质,对土壤抗冲系数与土壤性质进行Pearson相关性和逐步回归分析.[结果](1)在15 min冲刷过程中,径流含沙量随冲刷时间的延长,先急剧下降随后趋于平缓稳定;抗冲系数随冲刷时间的延长总体呈增长趋势,二者关系用对数、逆函数或线性函数拟合效果较好;选取的5种类型农用地土壤抗冲性表现为GL>EEF>GPG>AL>PCL.(2)农用地土壤性质主要受人类活动的影响,GL和EEF 土壤性质优良,AL和PCL较差,GPG介于上述二者之间,团聚体稳定性表现为GPG>GL>EEF>AL>PCL.(3)相关性和逐步回归分析表明,土壤抗冲性主要受土壤机械组成和水稳性团聚体影响,最优回归方程为:土壤抗冲系数=84.016-1.135×<0.25 mm水稳性团聚体-7.413×黏粒.[结论]安宁河干旱河谷区耕地土壤资源受到耕作的严重危害,土壤质量严重下降,园地土壤抗冲性和土壤性质相对较差,应加强对耕地和园地资源的重视和保护.
[Objective]The aims of this study are to reveal the variation characteristics of soil anti-scourability of different types of agricultural land in the Anning River arid valley,and to elucidate the main soil factors affecting soil anti-scourability of agricultural land in the Anning River arid Valley,and to provide scientific basis for the prevention and control of soil erosion in the agricultural land.[Methods]Eucalyptus economic forest(EEF),potato cultivated land(PCL),pastoral land(GL),abandoned land(AL)and green pepper garden(GPG)were taken as the research objects,the undisturbed soil flume scour method was used for soil anti-scour tests,and soil samples were collected to determine soil properties.Pearson correlation and stepwise regression analysis between soil anti-scour coefficient and soil properties were carried out.[Results](1)During the 15 min flushing process,the sediment content of runoff decreased sharply with the extension of flushing time and then leveled off and stabilized.The anti-impact coefficient increased with the increase of scour time,and the logarithm,inverse function or linear function could be used to fit the relationship.The flushing resistance of the five selected types of agricultural soils decreased in the order:GL>EEF>GPG>AL>PCL.(2)The soil properties of agricultural land were mainly affected by human activities.The soil properties of GL and EEF were good,AL and PCL were poor,and GPG was in between,and the stability of agglomerates showed the sequence:GPG>GL>EEF>AL>PCL.(3)Correlation and stepwise regression analysis showed that soil impact resistance was mainly influenced by soil mechanical composition and water-stable agglomerates,and the optimal regression equation was described as:soil impact resistance coef-ficient=84.016-1.135 ×<0.25 mm water-stable agglomerates-7.413 × clay particles.[Conclusion]This study shows that the soil resources of cultivated land in the arid valley area of the Anning River are seriously endangered by tillage and the soil quality is seriously reduced,and the soil resistance and soil properties of garden land are relatively poor,so the attention and protection of cultivated land and garden land resources should be strengthened.
西华师范大学生命科学学院,四川南充 637009||西华师范大学地理科学学院,四川南充 637009西华师范大学地理科学学院,四川南充 637009||西华师范大学四川省干旱河谷土壤侵蚀监测与控制工程实验室,四川南充 637009西华师范大学生命科学学院,四川南充 637009||西华师范大学地理科学学院,四川南充 637009西华师范大学生命科学学院,四川南充 637009||西华师范大学地理科学学院,四川南充 637009西华师范大学地理科学学院,四川南充 637009西华师范大学地理科学学院,四川南充 637009
arid valleyagricultural landsoil anti-scourabilitysoil propertystepwise regression analysisAnning River
《水土保持研究》 2024 (1)