

Problems and Advices on Carbon Emission Assessment and Accounting of Chemical Industry in China


在环境影响评价中开展建设项目碳排放核算,建立完善的评价指标体系,可以有效控制新增碳排放,推动企业尽早实现碳达峰.我国尚未建立国家层面统一的建设项 目碳排放评价核算方法.文章以某乙烯项目为例,选用"国标方法""发改委方法""广东省方法1""广东省方法2""北京市方法""上海市方法"6种温室气体核算方法,核算出 CO2排放量分别为 399.49 × 104,359.02 × 104,345.65 × 104,357.09 × 104,375.33 × 104,298.7× 104 t/a.6种方法在燃料燃烧、火炬燃烧、工业过程、净外购电力、热力等方面的核算内容、量化公式、排放因子上均有所不同,导致核算结果差异较大.考虑到环评阶段活动数据和排放因子等可获得性低、准确性差的特点,建议企业工业过程和装置层面碳排放核算统一采用碳质量平衡法,将委托第三方处置废弃物产生的碳排放纳入间接排放,增加装置层面的碳排放评价指标.

In environmental impact assessments,conducting carbon emission accounting for construction projects and establishing a comprehensive evaluation indicator system are crucial for effectively controlling new carbon emissions and promoting early peak carbon achievements by enterprises.Currently,China has not established a unified national method for carbon emission evaluation and accounting of construction projects.This paper uses an ethylene project as a case study,applying six different greenhouse gas accounting methods:"National Standard Method""National Development and Reform Commission Method""Guangdong Province Method 1""Guangdong Province Method2""Beijing Method"and"Shanghai Method".The calculated CO2 emissions are 399.49 × 104,359.02×104,345.65×104,357.09×104,375.33×104,and 298.7×104 t/a,respectively.These methods differ in their accounting of fuel combustion,flare combustion,industrial processes,net purchased electricity,and heat,resulting in significant variations in the calculated emissions.Considering the low availability and poor accuracy of activity data and emission factors at the environmental assessment stage,it is recommended that enterprises uniformly adopt the carbon mass balance method for carbon emission accounting at the industrial process and equipment level.Additionally,carbon emissions from waste disposal entrusted to third parties should be included in indirect emissions,and carbon emission evaluation indicators at the equipment level should be enhanced.





chemical industriescarbon emission methodsenvironmental impact assessmentcarbon emission assessment index

《油气田环境保护》 2023 (6)


