Site Experimental Research on Advanced Treatment of Polymer Containing Wastewater Based on"Dual-nanotechnology"Water Treatment
为解决杏北油田高含聚污水深度处理水质达标难度大,三采区块采出污水无法深度处理回注至低渗透储层的问题,提出采用"纳米气混浮选+纳米硅基精细过滤"工艺的"双纳米"水处理技术,并在聚杏十一污水站开展了规模为2 000 m3/d工业化现场试验.现场试验结果表明,在来水含聚浓度为400 mg/L,油含量、悬浮物含量≤100 mg/L的水质条件下,出水的油含量、悬浮物含量均可稳定达到5 mg/L以下,可以实现含聚污水深度处理要求.且"双纳米"水处理技术具备较好的吸附及滤料再生效果,可以保障设备连续稳定运行;同时其工艺流程短、效率高,可大幅降低建设及运行成本,具备大规模工业化推广及应用价值.
To address the challenges of deep treatment of high-polymer-content wastewater in the Xingbei Oilfield and the difficulty of re injecting treated wastewater from the San mining block into low-permeability reservoirs,this paper proposes a"dual-nanotechnology"water treatment process,namely"nanobubble flotation+nano-silica based fine filtration."An industrial-scale field test,with a capacity of 2 000 m3/d,was conducted at the Juxing Eleven Wastewater Station.The results show that with incoming water having a polymer concentration of 400 mg/L and oil and suspended solids content≤100 mg/L,the treated water consistently had oil and suspended solids content below 5 mg/L,meeting the requirements for deep treatment of polymer-containing wastewater.Additionally,the"dual-nanotechnology"water treatment process demonstrates effective adsorption and filter media regeneration,ensuring continuous and stable operation of the equipment.With its short process flow and high efficiency,the technology significantly reduces construction and operational costs,offering substantial value for large-scale industrial application and promotion.
nanobubble flotationnano-silica based fine filtrationdeep treatment of polymer containing wastewaterexperimental research
《油气田环境保护》 2023 (6)