Optimization of Preparation Conditions for Ni-MnO2/Al2O3 Catalyzed Oxidation of High Sulfur Wastewater by Hydrothermal Method
针对油气田高含硫废水快速氧化处理的需求,以Ni为金属助剂,MnO2为活性组分,采用水热法制备了 Ni-MnO2/Al2O3催化剂,通过对高含硫废水催化氧化性能的研究优化了 Ni-MnO2/Al2O3的制备条件.BET、XPS、SEM表征结果表明,Ni与Mn摩尔比对催化剂的比表面积变化影响最大,摩尔比为2∶10时催化剂的比表面积最大为232.5 m2/g,吸附氧和晶格氧的比例高达2.02;水热温度影响催化剂的形貌,低温时以棒状结构为主,110℃时形成有序的片状结构,过高的温度会引起晶粒的团聚;较大的比表面积、丰富的多孔结构及高的吸附氧是催化活性高的主要原因.因此,在Ni与Mn摩尔比为2∶10、水热温度为110℃、水热时间为12 h、焙烧温度为400℃的条件下制备的Ni-MnO2/Al2O3催化剂具有最高的催化活性,对于硫离子浓度为3 000 mg/L的废水,90 min后的硫离子转化率高达96.6%,对含硫废水的处理效果最好.
To meet the requirement of rapid oxidation treatment of high sulfur wastewater in oil and gas fields,Ni-MnO2/Al2O3 catalysts were prepared using the hydrothermal method with Ni as a metal additive and MnO2 as the active component.The preparation conditions of Ni-MnO2/Al2O3 were optimized by studying its catalytic oxidation performance on high sulfur wastewater.Characterization results from BET,XPS,and SEM showed that the molar ratio of Ni to Mn significantly affected the specific surface area of the catalyst,reaching a maximum of 232.5 m2/g at a ratio of 2∶10,with a high ratio of adsorbed to lattice oxygen at 2.02.The hydrothermal temperature influenced the catalyst's morphology,forming rod-like structures at low temperatures and ordered sheet structures at 110℃,while excessive temperatures caused grain aggregation.The high catalytic activity is attributed to the large specific surface area,rich porous structure,and high adsorbed oxygen content.The catalyst prepared under the conditions of a Ni to Mn molar ratio of 2∶10,hydrothermal temperature of 110℃,hydrothermal time of 12 hours,and calcination temperature of 400℃ exhibited the highest catalytic activity,with a sulfur ion conversion rate of 96.6%for wastewater with a sulfur ion concentration of 3 000 mg/L.
Ni-MnO2/Al2O3 catalysthigh sulfur wastewatercatalytic oxidationhydrothermal method
《油气田环境保护》 2023 (6)