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参考ISO 14064-1加强企业温室气体管理体系建设OA

Strengthening Corporate Greenhouse Gas Management System Construction in Reference to ISO 14064-1


文章介绍了 ISO 14064-1的基本内容,并与国内现行标准体系进行对比,认为GB/T 32150系列相比ISO 14064系列标准更加简洁,但两个系列的主要关注点不同:GB/T 32150系列更关注如何计算温室气体排放,而ISO 14064更关注如何建立有效的温室气体管理体系.这一差异客观体现了我国温室气体排放管理工作的发展阶段,但仍应以国际先进水平为 目标积极建设温室气体排放管理能力、提高温室气体排放管理水平.由此出发,文章对温室气体管理工作的主要输出、各项步骤和过程性文件展开了初步探讨.温室气体管理工作的主要输出包括:组织边界、报告边界、温室气体清单、温室气体声明和/或报告及相关核查材料;具体步骤包括:确定组织边界、建立报告边界、识别各项源和汇、选定量化方法、选择收集计算量化数据、选定基准年、编制基准年温室气体清单、编制温室气体报告等.

This article introduces the fundamental aspects of ISO 14064-1 and compares it with the current domestic GB/T 32150 series standards.It observes that while the GB/T 32150 series is more concise,it differs in focus from the ISO 14064 series.The GB/T 32150 series emphasizes the calculation of greenhouse gas emissions,whereas ISO 14064 is more concerned with establishing an effective greenhouse gas management system.This difference reflects the developmental stage of China's greenhouse gas emission management.The article advocates aiming for international standards in enhancing the capability and level of greenhouse gas emission management in China.It further explores the main outputs,steps,and procedural documents of greenhouse gas management,including determining organizational boundaries,establishing reporting boundaries,identifying sources and sinks,selecting quantification methods,collecting and calculating data,defining a base year,and compiling base year greenhouse gas inventories and reports.




ISO 14064-1温室气体管理碳达峰碳中和温室气体报告

ISO 14064-1greenhouse gas managementcarbon peakcarbon neutralitygreenhouse gas reporting

《油气田环境保护》 2023 (6)


