Progress and Inspiration of Marine CO2 Storage at Home and Abroad
2023 年 6 月 1 日,中国海洋石油集团有限公司(简称中国海油)成功实施我国首个百万吨级海洋CO2 封存工程,填补我国海洋CO2 封存技术的空白.本文结合国内外海洋碳封存现状,分析国内外海洋碳封存监测技术方案.对比发现,国外海洋碳封存基础理论研究已取得较大进展,尤其是封存后地质环境监测,我国海洋碳封存起步较晚、经验较少、规模较小,与国外相比,我国在海洋碳封存基础理论研究方面尚存在差距.未来,我国应制定顶层规划,提供配套政策,借鉴国外先进经验,加强技术创新,大力发展海洋碳封存,以实现碳达峰碳中和目标.
On June 1,2023,China National Offshore Oil Corporation(CNOOC)successfully implemented China's first million ton marine CO2 storage project,filling the gap in China's marine CO2 storage technology.Based on the current situation of marine carbon sequestration at home and abroad,this paper analyzes the monitoring technology schemes for marine carbon sequestration at home and abroad.By comparison,it has been found that significant progress has been made in the basic theoretical research of marine carbon sequestration in foreign countries,especially in the monitoring of geological environment after sequestration,and China's marine carbon sequestration started relatively late,has limited experience,and is relatively small in scale,compared with foreign countries,there is still a gap in the basic theoretical research of marine carbon sequestration in China.In the future,China should formulate top-level plans,provide supporting policies,learn from advanced foreign experiences,strengthen technological innovation,and vigorously develop marine carbon sequestration to achieve carbon peak and carbon neutrality goals.
中国海洋石油集团有限公司节能减排监测中心,天津 300450中国海洋石油集团有限公司节能减排监测中心,天津 300450生态环境部珠江流域南海海域生态环境监督管理局生态环境监测与科学研究中心,广州 510610中国海洋石油集团有限公司节能减排监测中心,天津 300450中国海洋石油集团有限公司节能减排监测中心,天津 300450生态环境部珠江流域南海海域生态环境监督管理局生态环境监测与科学研究中心,广州 510610中海油能源发展股份有限公司清洁能源分公司,天津 300450
oceanCO2carbon sequestrationgeological environment monitoring
《中国资源综合利用》 2023 (12)