

Deep Blue Organic Electroluminescent Materials Constructed from Acenaphthene Skeleton


合成了4种在二氢苊骨架上连接咔唑或三苯胺电子给体和氰基苯电子受体的发光材料,考察了电子给体连接方式及种类对材料光电性能的影响.目标化合物的单晶结构分析结果显示,位阻导致给/受体与二氢苊骨架不共平面,从而降低了共轭程度,消除了分子间π-π堆积作用,分子间依靠大量的C—H…π分子间相互作用稳定,只有3CzAB存在分子内π-π堆积作用.4种化合物均具有非常高的热稳定性,5%热失重温度(Td,5%)高于343℃.这些材料在PMMA薄膜中的发光均为深蓝光发射(403~432 nm),光致发光效率高(0.60~0.94),荧光寿命为5.4~8.6 ns.电致发光性能测试结果表明,以三苯胺为给体的材料PaAB的电致发光性能最佳,最大亮度可达2427 cd/m,峰值电流效率、功率效率和外量子效率分别为2.43 cd/A,1.53 lm/W和1.58%,色坐标(CIEx,y)为(0.15,0.09),为深蓝光发射.

Four luminescent materials with carbazole or triphenylamine electron donor and cyanobenzene electron receptor linked on the acenaphthene skeleton were synthesized.The single crystal structures of those molecules show intramolecular steric hindrance,which makes the donor/acceptor non coplanar with the acenaphthene skeleton,reducing the degree of conjugation and eliminating the π-π stacking effect between molecules.Their crystals are stabilized by a large number of C—H…π intermolecular interactions,and only 3CzAB exists intramolecular π-π stacking.All four compounds have very high thermal stability,with 5%weight loss decompostion temperature(Td,5%)above 343℃.The luminescence of these materials in PMMA thin films is in the deep-blue emission region(403-432 nm),with high photoluminescence efficiency ranging from 0.60 to 0.94 and fluorescence lifetimes ranging from 5.4 to 8.6 ns.The electroluminescence property test shows that the device of PaAB has the best performance,the maximum brightness can reach 2427 cd/m2,the peak current efficiency,power efficiency and external quantum efficiency are 2.43 cd/A,1.53 lm/W and 1.58%respectively,and the Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage(CIEx,y)coordinates are(0.15,0.09),which are in the deep-blue light emission area.


安徽工业大学冶金与资源学院,马鞍山 243002烟台大学物理与电子信息学院,山东省高校光电子功能材料与光电子器件特色实验室,烟台 264005安徽工业大学冶金与资源学院,马鞍山 243002||南京大学配位化学国家重点实验室,南京 210023



Deep-blue moleculeOrganic light emitting diodesAcenaphtheneFluorescence

《高等学校化学学报》 2024 (001)


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国家自然科学基金(批准号:21572001,62205281)、安徽省专项支持计划项目(批准号:T000609)和皖江学者特聘教授项目资助.Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.21572001,62205281),the Anhui Special Support Plan,China(No.T000609)and the Distinguished Professor of the Wanjiang Scholars Project,China.

