

Variation Characteristics of Summer Precipitation in Northwest China from 1961 to 2020


采用 1961-2020 年我国西北地区 364 站逐日降水观测数据,从降水量和降水日的角度对比分析我国西北地区夏季降水趋势时空变化特征.结果表明:西北地区夏季降水量占全年总降水量的50%以上.从整体上来看,西北地区降水量呈现显著增多的线性趋势,但并非全区一致性增多.降水量增多(减少)的站数约占区域内总站数的57%(43%),降水日数呈现增多(减少)的站数约占总站数的 43%(57%);降水量、降水日数同时增加的站点主要位于南疆盆地、北疆西部及青海中部和北部等地,两者同时减少的站点主要位于甘肃东南部、宁夏、陕西中部偏东等地,而两者反相变化的站点主要位于新疆北疆地区、青海省西南部边缘地区和陕西南部.近60年来,西北地区极端降水量和降水日数呈线性增加趋势.西北地区各个区域降水量和降水日数除年际变化外,还存在年代际变化特征,不同区域变化位相存在一定差异.

Based on the daily precipitation observation data of 364 stations in northwest China in recent 60 years,the spatial and temporal variation characteristics of summer precipitation trend in northwest China were compared and studied from the perspective of precipitation and precipitation days.The results show that,on average,the summer precipitation in northwest China accounts for more than 50%of the total annual precipitation in the region.On the whole,the precipitation in northwest China shows a linear trend of significant increase,but it is not consistent with the increase in the whole region.The number of stations with increased(decreased)precipitation accounts for about 57%(43%)of the total stations in the region,and the number of stations with increased(decreased)precipitation days accounts for about 43%(57%)of the total stations.The stations increased at the same time are mainly located in southern Xinjiang basin,the western northern Xinjiang,central and northern Qinghai,while the stations decreased at the same time are mainly located in southeast Gansu,Ningxia,eastern central Shaanxi and other places,while the stations with reversed changes are mainly located in northern Xinjiang,the southwestern edge of Qinghai province,and southern Shaanxi.In the past 60 years,the extreme precipitation and precipitation days in northwest China also show a linear increase trend.In addition to the interannual variation,there are also interdecadal variation characteristics of precipitation and precipitation days in various regions of northwest China,but there are certain differences in the change phases of different regions.


国家气象中心,北京 100081


northwest regionsummerprecipitationtrend

《沙漠与绿洲气象》 2024 (001)

74-80 / 7


