

Homologous matching of recording channels in intelligent substations based on regu-lar expression and Jaccard similarity coefficient


针对220 kV及以上电压等级智能变电站双套录波通道同源匹配问题,提出一种基于正则表达式和Jaccard系数的智能变电站录波通道同源匹配方法.首先,针对录波通道命名不规范的问题,使用正则表达式对通道名称文本进行预处理,统一通道名称的表达形式;同时,使用jieba分词算法和去停用词操作,去除通道名称文本中可能存在的冗余信息.然后,使用Jaccard相似系数匹配算法计算录波通道名称文本之间的相似度,依据相似度大小筛选出同源通道.最后,基于电网实际的录波文件数据进行仿真分析.仿真结果表明:所提方法可有效实现智能变电站录波通道同源匹配.

In addressing the challenge of homologous matching for dual sets of recording channels in intelligent sub-stations of 220 kV and above,this paper presents a novel method employing regular expression and Jaccard index.To overcome the issue of irregular naming of recording channels,regular expressions to preprocess name texts of the channels are employed to ensure a standardized expression format.Furthermore,through Jieba word segmentation algorithm and stopword removal potential redundant information within the name texts of the channels.Subse-quently,the Jaccard similarity coefficient matching algorithm is employed to calculate the similarity between record-ing channel names,screening out homologous channels based on their similarity degrees.To validate the proposed method,simulations are conducted using actual recording file data from the power grid.The results affirm the effec-tiveness of the proposed method in achieving homologous matching of recording channels in intelligent substations.


国网江西省电力有限公司电力科学研究院,南昌 330096长沙理工大学 电气与信息工程学院,长沙 410114


homologous matching of recording channeltext matchingregular expressionJaccard similarity coefficient

《浙江电力》 2024 (001)

20-27 / 8


