Preparation of Chitosan + Soy Protein +Thymol Emulsion and Its Effect on the Freshness Preservation of Largemouth Bass
[目的]制备壳聚糖CS-大豆蛋白SPI-百里香酚Thy乳液(CST),探究其对大口黑鲈(Micropterus salmoides)的保鲜效果.[方法]设置大豆蛋白添加量分别为1.6%、2.4%、3.2%、4.0%、4.8%(质量分数),制备不同大豆蛋白浓度的壳聚糖-大豆蛋白-百里香酚复合乳液(其中壳聚糖质量分数为0.5%,百里香酚质量分数为1.0%),研究其结构、乳化能力和乳液稳定性等.将经最佳配比CST乳液处理后的大口黑鲈肉块与未进行处理的对照组在10℃下贮藏,检测贮藏过程中鱼肉pH、挥发性盐基氮和菌落总数等指标,验证乳液的保鲜效果.[结果]在大豆蛋白质量分数为3.2%时,CST乳液乳化稳定性指数(ESI)和乳液乳化活性指数(EAI)达到最大值,分别为(0.92±0.18)%和(8.85±0.13)m2/g;此时,粒径较小,为(13.05±0.05)μm;Zeta-电位较高,达到(39.64±0.83)mV;表面疏水性指数最大,美拉德反应物生成指数最高,内源性荧光强度最大,乳液稳定指数最佳.乳液处理后的鱼肉pH、挥发性盐基氮和菌落总数结果远优于对照组,在10℃的货架期温度下鲈鱼肉可以贮藏20 d.[结论]当大豆蛋白添加质量分数为3.2%时,壳聚糖-大豆蛋白-百里香酚乳液性能最佳,此条件处理后的鲈鱼肉在10℃条件下可贮藏20 d.
[Objective]The aim of this study is to prepare chitosan + soy protein + thymol emulsion and investigate its effect on largemouth bass(Micropterus salmoides)fressness preservation.[Methods]Using chitosan(CS),soy protein(SPI)and thymol(Thy)as raw materials,chitosan-soy protein-thymol emulsion(CS-SPI-Thy)were prepared by controlling soy protein concentrations(1.6%,2.4%,3.2%,4.0%,4.8%),and the changes in structure,emulsification capacity and emulsion stability were studied.The perch meat pieces treated with the optimal ratio of emulsion and the untreated were stored at 10℃,and the pH,volatile alkaline nitrogen and total colony count of the fish meat were tested to verify the freshness preservation effect during the storage process.[Results]The emulsion stability index(ESI)and emulsification activity index(EAI)reached the maximum values of(0.92±0.18)%and(8.85±0.13)m2/g,respectively,when the mass fraction of soybean protein was 3.2%;at this time,the particle size was smaller,(13.05±0.05)μm and the zeta-potential was higher(39.64±0.83)mV;At the concentration of 3.2%,the surface hydrophobicity index was the largest,the Maillard reactant generation index was the highest,the endogenous fluorescence intensity was the largest,and the emulsion stability index was the best.The results of pH,volatile base nitrogen and total colony count of the emulsion-treated fish were much better than those of the control group,and the fish meat can be stored for 20 d at the shelf-life temperature of 10℃.[Conclusion]The chitosan + soy protein + thymol emulsion had the best performance when the mass fraction of soybean protein was 3.2%,and the perch meat treated under this condition could be stored for 20 d at 10℃.
湖北工业大学生物工程与食品学院,湖北 武汉 430068||湖北省农业科学院农产品加工与核农技术研究所,湖北 武汉 430064湖北省农业科学院农产品加工与核农技术研究所,湖北 武汉 430064湖北省农业科学院农产品加工与核农技术研究所,湖北 武汉 430064湖北省农业科学院农产品加工与核农技术研究所,湖北 武汉 430064湖北省农业科学院农产品加工与核农技术研究所,湖北 武汉 430064湖北省农业科学院农产品加工与核农技术研究所,湖北 武汉 430064湖北省农业科学院农产品加工与核农技术研究所,湖北 武汉 430064湖北省农业科学院农产品加工与核农技术研究所,湖北 武汉 430064湖北工业大学生物工程与食品学院,湖北 武汉 430068
soybean protein isolateschitosanthymolemulsion performanceMicropterus salmoidesfreshness preserve
《广东海洋大学学报》 2024 (1)