Analysis on Whole Life Cycle Emissions Method of Sustainable Aviation Fuel Based on Cellulose Energy Plants
The only realistic energy solution for the international aviation industry to achieve its 2050 net-zero carbon emission goal is to use sustainable aviation fuel(SAF).In order to judge whether SAF can really achieve sustainable carbon emission reduction,it is necessary to evaluate the sustainability of the produced SAF.Based on the life cycle assessment(LCA)method defined by the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation(CORSIA),this paper considers the impact on the carbon sequestration effect of by-products in the fuel production process on the total emissions.The whole life cycle emission values of the three process paths for producing SAF from a cellulose energy plant raw material were calculated,and the data sensitivity analysis was carried out.The results show that all paths of SAF based on this energy plant can achieve carbon emission reduction in the whole life cycle,and the maximum emission reduction can reach 152.2%after considering the carbon fixation effect of Biochar,which plays a key role in achieving net zero carbon or even negative carbon emission.
中国民航大学,天津 300300中国民航大学,天津 300300中国民航大学,天津 300300中国民航大学,天津 300300
SAFsustainability criteriawhole life cycle emissionsland use change emissionscore life cycle emissions
《航空科学技术》 2024 (1)