TMR Diagnosis and Daily Management Analysis of a Dairy Farm in Shaanxi
为了调查奶牛场对TMR的应用及其奶牛的 日常管理情况,以陕西泾阳某奶牛场引进的澳大利亚全群泌乳奶牛为研究对象,分析全混合日粮(Total mixed ration,TMR)的营养成分和颗粒分布及粪便评分、体况评分、奶牛的泌乳性能与养殖场的养殖效益,发现生产实践中存在的问题,提出相应的措施.结果表明:高中产群TMR含水量符合推荐标准,低产群的TMR含水量高出推荐值1.58%,高产群饲粮磷含量显著高于中产和低产群(P<0.05),高产和中产群饲粮NDF含量显著低于低产群(P<0.05),粗蛋白含量显著高于低产群(P<0.05),与NRC(2001)推荐标准相比,TMR中粗蛋白和钙含量高于推荐值,磷含量小于推荐值.TMR颗粒大小第一层(>19.00 mm)比例3组均高于推荐值,第二层(8.00 mm~19.00 mm)比例、第三层(1.18 mm~8.00 mm)和第四层(<1.18 mm)比例高中产群均符合推荐值,低产群低于或高于推荐标准.奶牛场的饲槽评分都低于推荐的标准分3分;随泌乳水平的降低,粪便评分显著升高(P<0.05),躺卧率均高于80%,体况评分高于推荐标准,牛群整体偏肥.奶牛的泌乳效率、产奶量及乳脂率随泌乳水平的上升显著增加(P<0.05),高产群乳中的蛋白含量及乳脂乳蛋白比(脂蛋比)显著低于低产群,乳糖含量显著高于低产群(P<0.05),3组牛群乳中的体细胞数均小于20× 104/mL.泌乳收益受原奶收购标准的影响很大,不同的收购标准在高产和低产组的收益存在很大差异,其中高产组的收益远大于低产组.综上,该奶牛场的TMR营养成分不均衡,某些营养成分超出或低于推荐标准,日常管理水平较低,造成日粮营养无法满足奶牛生长需要、饲料浪费以及奶牛生产性能低,最终造成经济效益不高.
In order to investigate the application of TMR in dairy farms and the daily management of dairy cows,this experiment took the introduced Australian whole herd of lactating dairy cows from a dairy farm in Jingyang Shaanxi as the research object,and analyzed the nutritional components of total mixed ra-tion(TMR),particle distribution,fecal score,body condition score,milking performance of dairy cows and breeding benefits of farms.Problems in production practice were found and corresponding measures were proposed.The results showed that the TMR water content of the high-and middle-yield group met the recommended standard,the TMR water content of the low-yield group was 1.58%higher than the rec-ommended value,the phosphorus content of the high-yield group was significantly higher than that of the middle-and low-yield group(P<0.05),the NDF content of diet for the high-and middle-yield group was significantly lower than the low-yielding group(P<0.05),and the crude protein content was significantly higher than that of the low-yielding group(P<0.05).Compared with the NRC(2001)recommended standard,the crude protein and calcium content in TMR was higher than the recommended value.The phosphorus content is less than the recommended value.The proportion of the first layer(>19.00 mm)of TMR particles in the three groups is higher than the recommended value,the proportion of the second lay-er(8.00 mm~19.00 mm),the third layer(1.18 mm~8.00 mm)and the fourth layer(<1.18 mm)for high-yield groups met the recommended value,and that of the low-yield group was lower or higher than the recommended standard.The feeder scores of dairy farms were all lower than the recommended stand-ard score(3 points);with the decrease of lactation level,the fecal score increased significantly(P<0.05),the lying rate was higher than 80%,and the score for body condition was higher than the recommended standard.The overall herd was fat.The lactation efficiency,milk production and milk fat rate of dairy cows increased significantly with the increase of lactation level(P<0.05).The protein content and milk fat-to-milk protein ratio(fat-protein ratio)of high-yield group was significantly lower than that of low-yield group,and the lactose content was significantly higher than the low-yield group(P<0.05).The number of somatic cells in the milk was less than 200,000/mL for the three groups.Lactation revenue was greatly affected by the raw milk procurement standards.Different procurement standards have great differ-ences in the returns of the high-yield and low-yield groups,the benefit of the high yield group was much greater than that of the low yield group.In summary,the dairy farm's TMR nutritional components are not balanced,some of the nutritional components exceed or fall below the recommended standards,and the daily management level is low,resulting in the dietary nutrition unable to meet the growth needs of dairy cows,the feed waste,and low performance of dairy cows,and consequently low economic benefits.
西北农林科技大学动物科技学院,陕西杨凌 712100西北农林科技大学动物科技学院,陕西杨凌 712100西北农林科技大学动物科技学院,陕西杨凌 712100西北农林科技大学动物科技学院,陕西杨凌 712100西北农林科技大学动物科技学院,陕西杨凌 712100西北农林科技大学动物科技学院,陕西杨凌 712100
dairy farmlactating cowsTMRproduction performance
《家畜生态学报》 2024 (2)