

Effects of Intermittent Fasting on Microbial Community Structure,Water Quality and Growth of Litopenaeus vannamei in a Biofloc System


水产养殖过程中,限食投喂已作为一种减低投饵成本和劳动力成本的策略.补偿生长现象普遍存在于哺乳类、鱼类及甲壳类,本研究基于南美白对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)的完全补偿生长能力,将限食投喂措施与生物絮团技术联合运用于南美白对虾养殖中,旨在研究间歇性饥饿对南美白对虾生物絮团养殖系统中菌群结构、水质和生长的影响.实验分为4组,每组3个重复,第1组为对照组,正常投喂对虾基础饲料;第2组为生物絮团组,饲料中添加红糖(添加量为饲料的70%),使养殖水体C/N为12;第3组为益生菌生物絮团组,同时添加红糖和益生菌地衣芽胞杆菌(Bacillus licheniformis)(水体浓度为1.2×105 CFU/mL);第4组为间歇性饥饿组,同时添加红糖和益生菌地衣芽胞杆菌,每周饥饿2d正常投喂5d.结果表明,养殖水体中的生物絮团沉降量均呈现上升趋势,添加红糖的第2、第3和第4组生物絮团形成量显著高于第1组(P<0.05),且第2、第3和第4组间不存在显著性差异(P>0.05).通过Illumina Miseq高通量测序分析不同实验组养殖水体的细菌群落结构,结果表明,第1、第2、第3和第4组微生物的分类单元(operational taxonomic units,OTU)分别是3501、6386、5387和6577,其中4个组共有OTU为173,特有的OTU数分别为165、463、362和592.养殖水体细菌群落α多样性从高到低依次为第4组>第2组>第3组>第1组,对属水平优势菌群丰度分析表明,第1组中优势菌群丰度最高的为乔治菌属(Georgenia)(20.2%),其次为氢噬菌属(Hydrogenophaga)(13.5%)和假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas)(13.2%).第2组优势菌群丰度最高的为假单胞菌属(39%),其次为乔治菌属(9.0%)和短波单胞菌属(Brevundimonas)(7.0%).第3组丰度最高的优势种群是短波单胞菌属(38.4%),其次为微杆菌属(Microbacterium)(5.7%)和甲基杆菌属(Methyloversatilis)(5.7%).第4组优势种群中另类希灭氏菌属(Alishewanella)的丰度最高(21.0%),其次为假单胞菌属(15.5%)和微小杆菌属(Exiguobacterium)(6.8%).第4周,第2、3和4组的氨氮和亚硝酸盐氮含量均显著低于第1组(P<0.05).第4组饲料转化率(feed conversion rate,FCR)显著高于其他3组(P<0.05).结果表明,间歇性饥饿可以增加对虾养殖水体中菌群丰富度和多样性,改善对虾养殖水体中的菌群类别;降低对虾养殖水体氨氮及亚硝酸盐氮浓度,从而优化养殖水质,提高对虾饲料转化率.本研究有助于阐明生物絮团优化水质的机理,同时为基于补偿生长的生物絮团技术应用于对虾养殖提供数据.

Diet restriction has been used as a strategy to reduce the feed and labor cost in the aquaculture.The compensatory growth is widely present in mammals,fish and crustaceans.Based on full compensatory growth ability of Litopenaeus vannamei,the biofloc technology combined with diet restriction were applied to L.vannamei breeding.The effects of intermittent fasting on the microflora structure,water quality and growth parameters of L.vannamei in a biofloc system were investigated.The L.vannamei were randomly assigned into 4 groups(each with 3 replicates):Group 1 was the control group,normally fed with basal L.vannamei feed.Group 2 was the biological floc group,fed with L.vannamei feed and brown sugar(70%of the feed),and the C/N ratio was 12 in water.Group 3 was the probiotic and biological floc group,besides feed and brown sugar,Bacillus licheniformis(concentration was 1.2×105 CFU/mL in water)was also added;Group 4 was the intermittent starved group,starved for 2 d and re-feeding for 5 d.The results indicated the biological floc sedimentation in water showed an increasing trend.At the 4th week,the formation of biological floc in group 2,3 and 4 were significantly higher than that in group 1(P<0.05),respectively.The operational taxonomic units(OTU)of microflora in group 1,group 2,group 3 and group 4 were 3501,6386,5387 and 6577,with high throughput sequencing,respectively.The unique OTU numbers were 165,463,362 and 592,respectively,and 173 OTUs were shared by these 4 groups.The α diversity order of the bacterial community from high to low was:Group 4>group 2>group 3>group 1.The abundance analysis at genus level showed that the most dominant flora of group 1 was Georgenia(20.2%),followed by Hydrogenophaga(13.5%)and Pseudomonas(13.2%).In group 2,the highest abundance was Pseudomonas(39%),followed by Georgenia(9.1%)and Brevundimonas(7.0%).In group 3,the highest abundance was Brevundimonas(38.4%),followed by Microbacterium(5.7%)and Methyloversatilis(5.7%).In group 4,the highest abundance was Alishewanella(21.0%),followed by Pseudomonas(15.5%)and Exiguobacterium(6.8%).The concentration of ammonia nitrogen and nitrite nitrogen significantly decreased in groups 2,3 and 4(P<0.05).The feed conversion rate(FCR)of group 4 was significantly higher than 3 other groups(P<0.05).The results showed the biofloc technology based on compensatory growth could effectively increase the richness and diversity of microflora,optimize the composition of the microbial community,reduce the concentration of ammonia nitrogen and nitrite nitrogen in aquaculture water of L.vannamei,thereby to optimize aquaculture water quality,and effectively increase the feed conversion rate.The results were conducive to elucidating the mechanism of biofloc optimizing water quality,and provide experiental data for the application of the biofloc technology based on compensatory growth in L.vannamei culture.


绍兴文理学院生命科学学院,绍兴 312000



Litopenaeus vannameiIntermittent fastingBiofloc technologyBacterial communityWater quality index

《农业生物技术学报》 2024 (002)

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