Resistance of thin tube cluster equivalent element in nuclear power system analysis
为研究不同工况下核动力系统主管路的参数变化,需选择合适的阻力元件当量代替部件内部细管簇的流动阻力.根据流体流动规律,设计了一种圆弧渐缩渐扩式当量阻力元件,采用标准k-ε湍流模型探究该阻力元件对圆管内部流动的影响,对比分析得到阻力系数ζ与缩径比d/D和阻力元件长度L的基本规律,最后拟合并验证所得关系式.结果表明:该阻力元件对下游管道影响相对较小,可用于当量代替复杂部件内部流动阻力;排除雷诺数Re对该元件阻力系数ζ的影响,ζ与d/D和L均呈负相关,且d/D越小,L越短,中心轴向速度和湍动能变化越大,下游恢复区长度就越长;经验证,Re>3.0×106,d/D=0.5~0.9 时,拟合的指数函数关系式预测的ζ更准确,并且该指数函数能够实现某蒸汽发生器内部细管簇的简化.
In order to study the parameter variations of the main pipeline of nuclear power systems un-der different working conditions,it is necessary to select the appropriate resistance element equivalent to replace the flow resistance of the thin tube cluster inside the component.According to the law of fluid flow,an equivalent circular arc resistance element with gradual contraction and expansion was de-signed.The standard k-εturbulence model was used to explore the influence of the resistance element on the internal flow of the circular tube.The basic laws of the resistance coefficient ζwith the tapering ratio d/D and the length of the resistance element L were obtained by comparative analysis.Finally,the function was fitted and verified.The results show that the resistance element has relatively little effect on the downstream pipeline,which is suitable for replacing the internal flow resistance of complex components.Excluding the influence of Reynolds number(Re)on the ζof the element,the ζ is negatively correlated with d/D and L,and the smaller the value ofd/D,the shorter the L,the grea-ter the change of central axial velocity as well as turbulent kinetic energy,and the longer the down-stream recovery zone becomes.It has been verified that when Re>3.0×106 and d/D=0.5-0.9,the ζ predicted by the fitted exponential function is more accurate,and the exponential function can simplify the inner tube cluster of a steam generator.
兰州理工大学能源与动力工程学院,甘肃 兰州 730050||甘肃省流体机械及系统重点实验室,甘肃 兰州 730050兰州理工大学能源与动力工程学院,甘肃 兰州 730050||甘肃省流体机械及系统重点实验室,甘肃 兰州 730050
equivalent resistance elementsmodel simplificationresistance coefficientnumerical simulationdate fitting
《排灌机械工程学报》 2024 (2)