

Have the Main Sources of Residents'Income Gap Changed?:Calculation Based on the Decomposition of Urban-rural Dual Structure


如何缩小收入差距,实现人类共同富裕,成为广大学者关注的焦点.在现有研究中,如何测量居民收入差距,是分析收入差距问题的关键.随着越来越多的农村人口进城,居民收入差距的主要来源是否由过去的城乡收入差距发生了转变?鉴于此,通过分布函数加总的方法,从理论上将基尼系数按照农村与城镇的群组分解,得到基尼系数由农村内部、城镇内部、城乡之间与剩余项四部分组成.利用 2005-2021 年农村与城镇的收入分组数据测算了每一部分的基尼系数及其对居民收入差距的贡献度,并根据每一部分的贡献度来判断各时期居民收入差距的主要来源.主要结果显示,2012 年之前中国居民的收入差距主要来源于城乡之间,而2012 年之后的收入差距主要来源于城镇内部,这部分比重正随着城镇人口的增加不断扩大,并且工资性收入的不平等是城镇居民收入差距扩大的主要原因.针对结论提出了相应的政策建议:一方面,政府需要制定缩小工资性收入不平等性的政策,例如,深化工资制度改革,加强对部分行业工资总额和工资水平的双重调控,缩小城镇居民的工资水平差距;另一方面,加强对低收入人群转移性收入的政策性偏向,完善再分配调节机制.

How to narrow the income gap and achieve common prosperity of mankind has become the focus of the majority of scholars.In the existing research,how to measure the income gap among residents is the key to analyze the issue of income gap.With more and more rural populations entering cities,has the main source of income gap among residents shifted from the past urban-rural income gap?In view of this,this article uses the method of distribution function aggregation to theoretically decompose the Gini coefficient into groups of rural and urban areas.The Gini coefficient is obtained by four parts:rural Gini coefficient,urban Gini coefficient,urban-rural Gini coefficient,the residual term.This article uses income grouping data of rural and urban areas from 2005 to 2021 to calculate the Gini coefficient of each part and its contribution to the income gap among residents.Based on the contribution of each part,the main sources of income gap among residents in each period are determined.The main results show that before 2012,the income gap of Chinese residents mainly came from the gap between urban and rural areas,while after 2012,the income gap mainly came from the gap within urban areas,whose proportion is constantly expanding with the increase of urban population.Moreover,the inequality of wage income is the main reason for the widening of income gap among urban residents.This article also proposes corresponding policy recommendations based on the conclusion.On the one hand,the government needs to formulate policies to reduce the inequality of wage income,such as deepening the reform of the wage system,strengthening the dual regulation of the total wages and wage levels in some industries,and narrowing the wage gap among urban residents.On the other hand,the government should strengthen the policy bias of low-income people's transfer income and perfect the adjustment mechanism of redistribution.


上海财经大学 公共经济与管理学院, 上海 200433深圳大学 中国经济特区研究中心, 广东 深圳 518060



residents'income gapmain sourceGini coefficientwage income

《人口与经济》 2024 (001)

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