

The Impact of the New Individual Income Tax Reform on the Labor Supply of Middle and Low Income Groups:Evidence from China Family Panel Studies


如何通过科学的财税政策应对劳动年龄人口减少、推进共同富裕是学术界和政策界面临的共同命题,其中,收入所得税对激发劳动力市场活力、促进中低收入群体劳动参与的作用尤其引人注目.基于中国家庭追踪调查 2016-2020 年的三期面板数据,采取双重差分法分析2018 年个人所得税改革对劳动供给的影响.实证结果表明:提高个税免征额促进了中低收入群体的劳动参与,但未显著增加劳动时间.经过更换回归模型、安慰剂检验等一系列稳健性检验后,研究结论依然成立.异质性分析显示,个税免征额提高对劳动供给的影响在不同性别和婚姻状况的群体中存在差异,对女性群体、已婚群体的劳动参与影响更大.机制上,新税改显著降低了个体由于照料家庭而退出劳动力市场的情况.因此,未来个税政策的改革方向应包括:持续关注重点人群的收入情况,有效发挥个税调节收入分配的功能;充分考虑个税改革对于女性和已婚群体劳动供给更强的激励作用,积极推行鼓励已婚女性就业的税收优惠政策;进一步细化专项附加扣除项目或标准,增强劳动者获得感,激励低收入群体就业,助力共同富裕.

How to deal with the decrease of working-age population and promote common prosperity through scientific fiscal and tax policies is a conundrum for both academia and politics.Specifically,income tax plays a striking role in stimulating labor market vitality and increasing labor participation of middle and low income groups.Based on the panel data of China Family Panel Studies from 2016 to 2020,this study analyzes the impact of the 2018 individual income tax reform on labor supply by using the difference-in-difference method.The empirical results show that the increase of personal income tax exemption promotes the labor participation of the middle and low income groups,but exerts no significant effect on working hours.After a series of robustness tests,such as replacing the regression model and placebo test,the research conclusions remain valid.Heterogeneity analysis indicates that this pattern of impact is stronger for women and married groups.Mechanistically,the new tax reform significantly reduces the withdrawal of individuals from the labor market due to familly care.Therefore,the government should continue to pay attention to the income of key groups,and effectively exert the function of personal income tax in regulating income distribution.Incentive effects of personal income tax reform on the labor supply of women and married groups need to be fully considered,and preferential tax policies to encourage married women to work should be actively promoted;Further special additional deduction items should be refined to enhance workers'sense of gain and contribute to common prosperity through stimulating labor participation of low income groups.


首都经济贸易大学 劳动经济学院, 北京 100070



individual income tax reformmiddle and low income groupslabor supplydifference-in-differencecommon prosperity

《人口与经济》 2024 (001)

47-61 / 15


