

Mechanism and model of paleokarst development in karst geothermal reservoirs


明晰岩溶储层古岩溶发育机制、形成演化及发育特征对揭示地热资源赋存特征与富集规律具有重要意义.以济南北地热田为例,在厘清奥陶纪马家沟群地层层序及沉积相特征基础上,通过地表岩溶、钻孔揭露地下岩溶发育特征及富水性分布规律的分析,研究岩溶热储古岩溶作用类型及发育机制,重塑济南北地热田岩溶发育与演化过程并阐明强岩溶发育与地热水富集模式.结果表明:同生岩溶、古风化壳岩溶、埋藏岩溶等三级岩溶发育过程驱动控制区域岩溶的分布层位及发育程度,构造岩溶驱动控制裂隙岩溶发育强度,重力势能驱动控制地热水循环深度和岩溶发育深度;奥陶系顶板以下320 m深度范围内,层间岩溶与构造岩溶复合处、层间岩溶与侵入岩体接触带是强岩溶发育带和地热水富集带.

Understanding the mechanisms underlying ancient karst development,the evolution of formations,and character-istics of karst reservoirs holds immense significance in unveiling the occurrence patterns and enrichment principles of geother-mal resources.Using the northern Jinan geothermal field as a case study,the research focuses on elucidating the sequence stratigraphy and sedimentary facies characteristics of the Ordovician Majiagou Group carbonate rocks.It formulates the paleo-karstification types and the mechanisms governing karst geothermal reservoirs by analyzing the spatial development character-istics of surface and underground karstification,revealed through bore holes,and the distribution of the water-rich areas un-covered by geothermal wells.The evolution of karst in the northern Jinan geothermal field follows a specific process:The three-stage karst development involving contemporaneous karst,paleo-weathering crust karst,and buried karst influences lay-er distribution and regional karst development,particularly interlayered karst.The intensity of karst development is governed by structural karst.The depth of eothermal water circulation and karst development is influenced by gravitational potential.Furthermore,the model depicting strong karst development and geothermal water enrichment in the northern Jinan geothermal field is as follows:Within a depth range of 320 meters below the Ordovician roof,the strongly developed karstification zone and the geothermal water enrichment zone occur either within the compound zone consisting of interlayered karst and structur-al karst,or at the contact zone between the interlayered karst and intrusive rock masses.


山东科技大学地球科学与工程学院,山东青岛 266590||山东省地下水环境保护与修复工程技术研究中心,山东济南 250014||山东省地热清洁能源探测开发与回灌工程技术研究中心,山东德州 253072||济南大学水利与环境学院,山东济南 250022山东省地质矿产勘查开发局八〇一水文地质工程地质大队,山东济南 250014||山东省地下水环境保护与修复工程技术研究中心,山东济南 250014||山东省地热清洁能源探测开发与回灌工程技术研究中心,山东德州 253072山东省地质矿产勘查开发局八〇一水文地质工程地质大队,山东济南 250014||山东省地下水环境保护与修复工程技术研究中心,山东济南 250014



Ordovician Majiagou Groupkarstic reservoirpaleo-weathering crustinterstratified karsttectonic karstevo-lution process

《中国石油大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024 (001)


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