Novel method for measuring acetylene solubility based on intrinsic safety
乙炔被广泛用于各种化学工业领域,然而其具有不稳定的碳碳三键,可能在加压条件下发生爆炸,因此测量乙炔在各种溶剂中的溶解度具有极大风险.为了实现乙炔溶解度的安全测量,基于减量化的本质安全策略和静态饱和法的溶解度测量原理,设计了内径为0.8 mm 的石英管内封装约7 μmol乙炔的微型溶解度测量装置,该装置可在1~2 h内达到气液传质平衡.采用该装置在最高温度为150 ℃和最高压力约为0.5 MPa的条件下,测量了乙炔在多种溶剂中的溶解度,该装置测定的亨利系数与文献报道的亨利系数的平均绝对相对偏差为5.72%.该装置乙炔用量少、气液平衡速度快、设备成本低且操作简单,为以乙炔为代表的危险气体溶解度的测量提供了一种安全高效的新方法.
Acetylene is widely used in various chemical industries.However,due to its unstable acetylenic bond,acetylene may explode under pressurized conditions.Therefore,measuring the acetylene solubility in various solvents poses great risks.To safely measure acetylene solubility,a micro solubility measurement device with an inner diameter of 0.8 mm quartz tube encapsulated with about 7 μmol acetylene was designed based on the intrinsic safety strategy of reduction and the solubility measurement principle of static saturation method,which could achieve the gas-liquid mass transfer balance within 1 to 2 h.The acetylene solubility in various solvents was measured with the device at a maximum temperature of 150℃and a maximum pressure of about 0.5 MPa.The average relative absolute deviation between the Henry coefficients measured by the device and in the literature was 5.72%.With the advantages of low acetylene consumption,fast gas-liquid equilibrium speed,low equipment cost and easy operation,the device provides a safe and efficient method for measuring the solubility of hazardous gases represented by acetylene.
清华大学 化学工程系,北京 100084清华大学 化学工程系,北京 100084
acetylenesolubilitystatic saturation methodmicro devicesafe measurement
《低碳化学与化工》 2024 (1)